I hope you had a fantastic Labor Day and that you enjoyed your long weekend! I’m so impressed with the way my students have learned the routines of our classroom and how excited they’ve been to dive right into the important standards in third grade!
Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it in the office or online under “Current Families.” Choose “Online Payments” and enter “Ms. Applonie” and the amount.
Please download and sign up for Bloomz by following the linked instructions.
- Monday, Sept 5th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL!
- Thursday, Sept 15th – Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
- Monday, Sept 26th – End of Cookie Dough Fundraiser
- Friday, Sept. 30th – Dollar Dress Down Day
MATH: We will start lesson 2 this week which is addition. Below is the family letter explaining how we add and it includes an activity that helps with addition. If you would like to give your child extra practice with rounding, this activity would be an excellent option to use.

ELA: This week we will be working on Week 3 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.