We are in October and I am losing my mind! The time has gone by so quickly. We have some big things coming up this month, so please make sure that you check the blog often.
We are creating apple witches this October. A huge thank you to the parents that came out and helped us carve the faces! We will be dressing our witches later in the month. On Monday, I will be sending home a pattern for the apple witch dress. It is a pretty basic dress, but it does require a little sewing, or glueing. Either works fine. I am looking for a few parent volunteers that could help us sew dresses, if needed. Please contact me if you can help sew.
Our first field trip is coming up!! We will be taking the Frontrunner to the Curiosity Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Permission forms, parent volunteer opportunities, and more information will be posted on Monday. So please check back!!
Halloween – This year Halloween is on a Monday. We will be having a class party and I am looking for some amazing parents to help us run this day. I will be emailing out a Google Form asking for volunteers. I am so excited for this day!!!!
EVACUATION DRILL INFO: You have received emails about the upcoming drill on Oct 11. Please fill out the evacuation form ASAP.Every student must have a form filled out before Oct 7th. EVACUATION DRILL FORM
- Monday, Oct. 3rd – Apple Witch Patterns to go home
- Wednesday, Oct. 5th – Picture Retakes – See the flyer below
- Friday, Oct. 7th – Evacuation Drill form due EVACUATION DRILL FORM
- Tuesday, Oct. 11th – Field Trip Permission Forms Due – School Wide Evacuation!!
- Oct. 12-14 – NO SCHOOL! Fall Break
- Wednesday, Oct. 19th – Our first field trip!! – Check back on Monday!!!
- Oct. 26th-27th – Parent Teacher Conferences – Sign-ups will go out towards the end of next week
- Friday, Oct. 28th – No School – Teacher Work Day
- Halloween -Monday Oct. 31st – Short Day

MATH: We will start lesson 6 which is multiplying by 3, 4, & 6. Below is the family letter explaining how I teach this lesson and it includes an activity that helps with this skill. If you would like to give your child extra practice with multiplication, this activity would be an excellent option to use.

ELA: This week we will continue working on Unit 2 Week 1 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.