We had an amazing field trip to the Curiosity Museum. Thank you to all of our grown ups that came to chaperone. We cannot do field trips without you, so a HUGE THANK YOU!!!

Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, October, 24th: 5 cans of food Dress Down Day & Apple Witch dresses due!!!
- October 24-28: Scholastic Book Fair
- Tuesday, October, 25th: Dressing our Apple Witches & MS. APPLONIE’S B-DAY
- Wednesday, October 26: 5 cans of food Dress Down Day & Say Boo to the Flu 4:00-7:00 pm in the Q1 library
- Wednesday-Thursday, October 26-27: Early Out and Parent Teacher Conference PTC Sign Up
- Wednesday-Thursday, October 26-27: NO TUTORING this week due to PTC
- Friday, October 28: NO SCHOOL
- Monday, October 31: Early Out and Halloween Parade & Party
- Oct 31-Nov 4: Positive Me Week
- Monday-Friday, November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
Multiplication Tricks
We have been practicing songs to learn multiples. This is one way we are learning our multiplication facts. Some students and families have asked for these so they can practice at home. Feel free to use this resource to help your student learn and memorize their multiplication facts! Songs & Tricks for Multiples
Math – This week we will continue working on lesson 7. We will be reviewing all of our multiplication facts!!! Please make sure that you are practicing the multiplication facts with your child at home.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 2 Week 3 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.