The State RISE test begins on Monday morning. This will be the start of our testing period which will last for the next two weeks. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep and has a good breakfast.
We have so much going on the last month of school. Please check back often to make sure that you don’t miss out on any important information.
Important Dates:
- May 1-4 – ELA Rise Testing from 10:10-11:15
- Friday, May 5th – Acadience Math Testing
- May 8-10 – Math Rise Testing from 8:50-10:00
- Friday, May 11th – Acadience Reading Testing
- Friday May 19th from 5-7 – Quest Under the Stars – More Info to Come
- Wednesday, May 24th – Field Trip for Field Day – Stay tuned for more details coming this week
- Friday, May 26th – Last Day of School
ELA – We will be taking the RISE ELA test this week
MATH – We will be learning all about line plots and measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want to give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.