Fall break is this week and your students have earned it! They have been working hard and I am so proud of the growth they are making. I hope you all enjoy the break!
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: Appointment times are going fast, make sure you sign up ASAP to get a time slot that works best for you! Please note that I have enough slots available for each student and their family. If you need additional time or separate conferences please send me an email and we can work something out. PTC Sign Up
HELP NEEDED!!! – I am looking for a few brave souls who can help us with our Halloween Party. I am hoping to get at least 5 volunteers. Please contact me and let know if you can help. Our party time will be from 10:00ish-11:20.
- October 11th-13th – Fall Break-NO SCHOOL
- October 25th-26 – Parent Teacher Conferences – Early Out @ 1:10
- Tuesday, Oct 31 – Halloween – Early Out @ 1:10
- Wednesday, Nov 1st – Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL
MATH: We are finishing up lesson 6 which is multiplying by 3, 4, & 6. Below is the family letter explaining how I teach this lesson and it includes an activity that helps with this skill. If you would like to give your child extra practice with multiplication, this activity would be an excellent option to use.
ELA: This week we will continue working on Unit 2 Week 1 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.