We only have 10 school days before Winter Break. For the next 10 days students will be working to earn an invitation to our Grinch Party. Each student will have a chance to earn 3 hearts and these hearts represent RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & KINDNESS. We will be holding our Grinch party on Friday, Dec. 15th. We will need help from 8:00 – 10:30. If you can volunteer to help the entire time, please sign up to help! GRINCH PARTY VOLUNTEER SIGN UP
- Friday, Dec 15th – 3rd Grade Grinch Party
- Dec 18-Jan 1 – Winter Break
MATH: This week we will start area! This is a fun skill that students continue to use their multiplication facts for. Please make sure that you are practicing the multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 3 Week 2 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on identifying the central idea and key details. This week your student will be assessed on their ability to find the central idea and key details of a non-fiction, informative text.