Week of December 9th

Our field trip to the aquarium was a roaring success! Thank you to all the wonderful chaperones that made the day possible!! If you were a chaperone and took any pictures of your group please email them to me. Thank you!


  • December 19th – Pajama Day
  • December 20th – 3rd Grade Grinch Party
  • December 20th – FREE Dress Down (We encourage students to wear ugly Christmas sweaters)
  • December 23rd-January 3rd – Winter Break – NO SCHOOL


This week students will start earning their way into the Grinch Party. They will work to earn 3 hearts that represent RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, & KINDNESS. We will be holding our Grinch party on Friday, Dec. 20th. We will need help from 8:25 – 10:30. If you can volunteer to help the entire time, please sign up to help! You won’t have to plan anything, just be ready to be assigned a job and get to work!
Grinch Party Sign Up

MATH – This week we are continuing learning about area. If your student does not have ALL OF THEIR MULTIPLICATION FACTS MEMORIZED it is going to be much more challenging for them to be successful. Please make sure you practice multiplication facts with your students for at least 5 minutes every day!

ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 3 Week 4 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on describing characters and how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

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