HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I am so excited for our return tomorrow and I hope you had an enjoyable break. I know that the children are excited about the gifts they received, but I am requesting that all toys and gifts remain at home.
Please note that if students’ personal electronic devices are brought to school they must kept in backpacks and turned off during the day. This includes cell phones, watches, etc.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up the end of this month! Conferences will be held in our classroom on January 29th and 30th. I look forward to meeting with you again to discuss your student’s progress and goals for the rest of the year! Click on the link to sign up for an appointment. Please note that I have enough slots available for each student and their family. If you need additional time or separate conferences for the same student please send me an email!
PTC Sign Up
Important Dates:
- January 20th – NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 24th – Dollar Dress Down Day
- January 27th-30th – Book Fair
- January 29th-30th – Parent Teacher Conferences – Early Out @ 1:10
- January 31st – No School – Teacher Work Day
MATH – This week we will be working on one-step multiplication and division word problems. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. These are good activities to do with your child if you want to give them some extra practice. Please make sure that you are practicing the multiplication facts with your child at home.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 3 Week 5 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on summarizing non fiction texts to be able to identify cause effect in relation to the sequence of events in a passage. We will also be working on our unit 3 assessment! It will be be done half as a class and half independently. We use this as a chance to learn some testing strategies as well as review all we have learned.