Field Trip to the Museum of Natural Curiosity

We are currently planning a fun and adventurous field trip that will take place Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025. We have the opportunity to visit the Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point.  This field trip is our only field trip that we will be riding FrontRunner. 

All students and parent volunteers must be at the Roy FrontRunner Station by 8:00. The address for the station is 4155 South Sandrigde Dr. We will be taking the 8:15 train to the Lehi station and we cannot wait for those who are late. Teachers will be at the train station at 7:45, so feel free to drop your child off earlier than 8:00!

The cost for this field trip is $6.00 per student and needs to be paid to the front office. 

We are looking for parents to chaperone this field trip. We are allotted 8 chaperones per class, as per the Museum of Natural Curiosity’s policy. Chaperones will be selected at random on Thursday, March 27th. If you sign up to chaperone you will receive an email from me on whether you have or have not been randomly selected as a chaperone. The cost per selected chaperone is $12.00 paid to the school office. The money needs to be paid by Friday, April 11th. Please indicate on the form below if you would like to chaperone.  Due to the nature of this trip and the need for constant adult supervision, PLEASE make other arrangements for ALL other siblings. It is the museum’s policy that chaperones have NO OTHER CHILDREN with them.

If you would like a guaranteed opportunity to attend the field trip you are more than welcome to ride the train down with us at no cost to you, but you will have to pay full price entry at the museum ($27). 

We will be taking the FrontRunner home as well.  We will catch the train at 1:14 and arrive back at the Roy Train Station at 2:45.  This is earlier than school gets out.  You will need to make arrangements to pick your child up at this time.  

School lunch will be available this day, but it MUST be ordered by April 10th.  Please indicate on the form below which lunch option your child will be taking with us.  Students will also need to bring a backpack on this day.  Their backpack will serve as a storage place for their jacket and lunch throughout the day. Students will not be allowed to purchase anything from the gift shop, so please DO NOT SEND MONEY with them.

Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather the day of the field trip.  We will be walking from the Frontrunner station to the museum, which is about ¾ of a mile.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately.  

Please fill out this FORM and make payments no later than Friday, April 11th. However, we will gladly accept them before that.

Thank you,
The Third Grade Teachers

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