Oh my goodness! This school year has flown by so quickly and I am left wondering where the time has gone. We are entering our last week of school and there is so much going on! Below is what we will be doing over the course of the next week.
TIE DYED T-SHIRTS – You might have noticed that your child brought home a tie dyed t-shirt on Friday. We would like your child to wear this shirt on field day. Here are the washing instructions:

ICE CREAM MULTIPLICATION PARTY – On Tuesday, May 21st, we will be having our Multiplication Ice Cream Party. Students have been working hard to pass off their multiplication facts and earning their toppings for a banana sundae. We are also looking for volunteers, so if you would like to help out, please let me know. Volunteers will be helping set up the spread of ice cream and toppings, serving the ice cream and toppings, and cleaning up. It will be from about 2:00-3:00pm.
FIELD DAY – Students have the opportunity to play on some blow ups for a field day activity from 2:00-3:00pm on Wednesday, May 22nd. To be allowed to participate you must fill out the permission form. If you have any questions please let me know.
Field Day Permission Form
Important Dates:
- Mon. May 20 – Math Science Olympiad from 9:00-9:45
- Tues. May 21 – Multiplication Ice Cream Party from 2:00-3:00
- Wed. May 22 – Field Day Field Day Permission Form
- Thurs. May 23 – Yearbook Signing, Talent Show & Early Out
- Fri. May 24 – Last Day of School!