Week of February 3rd

I loved meeting with everyone at Parent Teacher Conferences, so thank you for taking the time to meet with me. You have wonderful children and I consider myself lucky to be their teacher!

Wonder Movie

Our class will be watching the movie Wonder that is based on the book by R. J. Palacio we recently read in class. We will watch the movie on Friday, February 21st. In order for your student to be allowed to participate a completed permission form must be completed due to the movie’s rating (PG). 
To ensure a suitable viewing experience, the movie will be screened through a filter called ClearPlay, which edits out content that may not be appropriate for all audiences. If you have specific concerns about the movie, please feel free to contact me.
Movie Permission Form

Important Dates:

  • February 14th – Valentine’s Day – Treat Permission Form
  • February 17th – No School – President’s Day
  • February 21st – Watch Wonder in ClassMovie Permission Form
  • February 28th – Dollar Dress Down Day

MATH: This week we will work on fractions on a number line.  There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.

ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 4 Week 4 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on comparing different informational texts.

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