Tuesday: Please review contents of talk home folder with you student.
Friday: Short day schedule. Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).
Homework: Please read with your student for a minimum for 20 minutes every day. I strongly encourage you to use part of that time to work on letter naming fluency. Most students know all their letter names and sounds however goal for the middle of the year assessment is to name 55 random letters (upper and lower) in 1 minute. Using flashcards is one very effective way to practice and build fluency!
Here is a resource for at home learning from the Utah State Board of Education. Click HERE

Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:
This week we are starting unit 4 “Around the Neighborhood.” Our big idea for the next three weeks is “What do you know about the people and places in our neighborhood?”
Comprehension strategy: “Ask and Answer Questions” . We will read informational texts to go along with our theme “What do people use to do their jobs?”
New High Frequency Word: “you”
Phonics:blend and isolate sounds in CVC words. New sound/spelling: Oo
Sound Wall: /wh/ as in whale, /ou/ as in cow, and /er/ as in shirt.
Vocabulary: equipment, uniform, utensil, expect, remained
Math: Lesson 16 “Understand Addition” and continue learning the routine for math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.