I hope everyone had an amazing fall break. The weather has been beautiful, so I hope you got out and enjoyed it. I know that I did!!
Two big things are happening this week. First, on Tuesday is the Cookie Dough and Jerky pick up day. Make sure your get your orders!! Then on Wednesday we have our first field trip. WAHOO!!! We will be meeting at the Roy Front Runner station that day and you will be picking your child up from there as well. Please remember that we will be back early and that you will need to pick up your child @ 2:45.
HELP NEEDED!!! – We are looking for a few brave souls who can help us with our Halloween Party. I already have two parents who have said that can help out, but I need 3 more. Please contact me and let know if you can help. Our party time will be from 10:00ish-11:20.
Tutoring – Our tutoring days are getting an update. Tutoring will now be offered on Wednesdays and Thursdays, both sessions will be after school until 3:50. Just a reminder, tutoring is invitation only. I will continue sending out emails if your student is invited to tutoring. Please fill out the form attached to those emails so I know who to keep after school.
Upcoming Dates:
- Tuesday, October 18: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky pickup
- Wednesday, October 19: Field Trip to the Curiosity Museum – Meet at the Roy Front Runner Station @ 8:00. The train leaves at 8:15!!!!
- Friday, October 21: Food Drive Dress Down Day– Bring 5 canned food items
- Monday, October, 24th: Apple Witch dresses due!!!
- October 24-28: Scholastic Book Fair
- Wednesday, October 26: Say Boo to the Flu 4:00-7:00 pm in the Q1 library
- Wednesday-Thursday, October 26-27: Early Out and PTC Sign Up
- Thursday, October 27: Food Drive Dress Down Day– Bring 5 canned food items
- Friday, October 28: NO SCHOOL
- Monday, October 31: Early Out and Halloween Parade & Party
Math – This week we are working on lesson 7. Below is the family letter explaining how I teach this lesson and it includes an activity that helps with this skill. If you would like to give your child extra practice with multiplication, this activity would be an excellent option to use.

ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 2 Week 2 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.