MATH – Again, this week we will be working on TIME and ELAPSED TIME. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want to give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 6 Week 5 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
Welcome back from Spring Break!! I hope everyone had relaxing and restful break. I know that I did. Now that we are on this side of spring break everything is going to go into hyper drive. Please make sure that your child is here everyday because we will be reviewing and practicing for our upcoming end of levels tests. The testing dates I have us for scheduled are listed under the important dates sections.
Aquarium Field Trip Info – On April 17th we will be going on a field trip to the aquarium in Draper. Please note that I do not have all the payments for the field trip yet. Please make sure that pay for your child ASAP. Payment was due on the 31st of March.
Important Dates:
April 17th – Aquarium Field Trip
April 18th – Spring Pictures
May 1-4 – ELA Rise Testing from 10:10-11:15
May 8-10 – Math Rise Testing from 8:50-10:00
MATH – The next two weeks we will be working on TIME and ELAPSED TIME. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 6 Week 4 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
Loveland Living Planet Aquarium Field Trip – On April 17th we will be going on a field trip to the aquarium in Draper. Please click the link below for all the information that you need, how to sign your child up. Please note that parent volunteers have been chosen to attend this field trip. If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact me. Thanks! Aquarium Field Trip Permission Form
The grown ups that will be attending the field trip with us have already been contacted. Please remember that I can only take 7 grown ups on this field trip with us and I had 18 sign up to go with us. I chose those who did not attend our first field trip and then I randomly selected the rest to go with us. Please note that all payment needs to be into the office by the 31st. If you have been chosen and have not paid by then, I will release your spot and offer it to someone else.
Important Dates:
March 31st – Field Trip Money Due & Dollar Dress Down Day
April 3rd – 7th – Spring Break
April 17th – Aquarium Field Trip
MATH – The next few weeks we will be working on FRACTIONS. This week and next we will be working on comparing fractions. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 6 Week 2 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
Loveland Living Planet Aquarium Field Trip – On April 17th we will be going on a field trip to the aquarium in Draper. Please click the link below for all the information that you need, how to sign your child up, and to volunteer. Just a heads up with being a volunteer. Each 3rd grade class is only allowed to take 7 volunteers per class. If you would like to attend, please make sure that you read through rules and expectations for our volunteers. I will be randomly choosing the 7 volunteers from everyone who has signed up. If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact me. Thanks!
March 21st – World Down Syndrome Day – Wear mismatched socks!!!!
March 31st – Dollar Dress Down Day
April 3rd – 7th – Spring Break
April 17th – Aquarium Field Trip
MATH – The next few weeks we will be working on FRACTIONS. This week and next we will be working on comparing fractions. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 6 Week 1 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
April 17th – Field Trip is Planned – More details to come later!!
MATH – The next few weeks we will be working on FRACTIONS. Part of this week we will be working with equivalent fractions. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 5 Week 5 in our Wonders program. We will also be working on taking our Unit 5 test. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
MATH – This week we will work on fractions on a number line. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 5 Week 4 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
March 3rd – Dr. Seuss Dress Up Day – Dress like a Dr. Seuss character or wear a Dr. Seuss shirt.
March 3rd – Boots & Beauties Dance – See below of details – QR code is not working
March 10th – Cowboys & Angels Dance – See below for details – QR code is not working
MATH – This week we will finish working on scaled graphs and we will move onto fractions. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 5 Week 3 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
I hope everyone had a a relaxing long weekend. Below is what we are working on for the week.
Important Dates:
Feb. 24th – Dollar Dress Down Day
MATH – This week we will be working on scaled graphs. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This are good activities to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 5 Week 2 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
Valentine’s Day – On Tuesday, February 14th, we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day. We will have the opportunity to pass out and receive Valentines. This year administration will allow candy to be placed in Valentine’s Day cards. However, students will not be allowed to eat them in class and we still need permission, so please fill out this form – Valentines Treat Permission Form We have 27 students in our class. If you child chooses to participate, please make sure they bring enough Valentines for every student. Please do not have your child write who the cards are to, just who they are from. It is very time consuming when passing them out. Students can decorate a Valentine’s box, or something similar, to bring in on that day. I will have a bag to give to students who do not bring a box from home. We will also have a treat on this day. It will be a sugar cookie. I have received food permission forms for everyone but, if something has changed with your child, please let me know if they CANNOT HAVE a sugar cookie.
Important Dates:
Feb. 14th – Valentine’s Day – See above for details
Feb. 20th – No School – President’s Day
Feb. 24th – Dollar Dress Down Day
MATH – This week we continue working on two step word problems using all math operations. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. These are good activities to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 5 Week 1 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.
HAPPY FEBRUARY!! I loved meeting with everyone at Parent Teacher Conferences, so thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
Valentine’s Day – On Tuesday, February 14th, we will be having a Valentine’s Day party. We will have the opportunity to pass out and receive Valentines. This year administration will allow candy to be placed in Valentine’s Day cards. However, students will not be allowed to eat them in class and we still need permission, so please fill out this form – Valentines Treat Permission Form We have 27 students in our class. If you child chooses to participate, please make sure they bring enough Valentines for every student. Please do not have your child write who the cards are to, just who they are from. It is very time consuming when passing them out. Students can decorate a Valentine’s box, or something similar, to bring in on that day. I will have a bag to give to students who do not bring a box from home. We will also have a treat on this day. It will either be a sugar cookie or donut. I have received food permission forms for everyone but, if something has changed with your child, please let me know if they CANNOT HAVE a sugar cookie or donut.
Important Dates:
Feb. 14th – Valentine’s Day – Stay tuned for more information
Feb. 20th – No School – President’s Day
MATH – This week we start working on two step word problems using all math operations. There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This are good activities to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home!!!!! In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.
ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 4 Week 5 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.