Week of September 12th

Hello Grown Ups! We are now in full swing and I am loving it!! Your kiddos have been amazing at making new friends, learning to be problem solvers, following classroom routines, and winning a special place in my heart. This is a stellar group of students and I am so excited that I get to teach and learn with them.

Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it in the office or online under “Current Families.” Choose “Online Payments” and enter “Ms. Applonie” and the amount.

Targeted tutoring will begin next week. We will have tutoring each week for additional help in math on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Tuesdays tutoring will be before school starting at 8:00am and Thursdays tutoring will be after school until 3:50pm. Tutoring is INVITATION ONLY based on individual student need. You will receive an invite for your student the week before the following week’s tutoring sessions.

Please download and sign up for Bloomz by following the linked instructions.


  • Thursday, Sept 15th – Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
  • Monday, Sept 26th – End of Cookie Dough Fundraiser
  • Friday, Sept. 30th – Dollar Dress Down Day

MATH: We will start lesson 3 this week which is subtraction. Below is the family letter explaining how we subtract and it includes an activity that helps with subtraction. If you would like to give your child extra practice with subtraction, this activity would be an excellent option to use.

ELA: This week we will be working on Week 4 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.

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Week of September 5th

I hope you had a fantastic Labor Day and that you enjoyed your long weekend! I’m so impressed with the way my students have learned the routines of our classroom and how excited they’ve been to dive right into the important standards in third grade!

Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it in the office or online under “Current Families.” Choose “Online Payments” and enter “Ms. Applonie” and the amount.

Please download and sign up for Bloomz by following the linked instructions.


  • Monday, Sept 5th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL!
  • Thursday, Sept 15th – Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
  • Monday, Sept 26th – End of Cookie Dough Fundraiser
  • Friday, Sept. 30th – Dollar Dress Down Day

MATH: We will start lesson 2 this week which is addition. Below is the family letter explaining how we add and it includes an activity that helps with addition. If you would like to give your child extra practice with rounding, this activity would be an excellent option to use.

ELA: This week we will be working on Week 3 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.

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Week of August 29th

What a great group of students! I am already seeing their fun personalities start to emerge and have enjoyed getting to know them better during these first weeks of school!

Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it in the office or online under “Current Families.” Choose “Online Payments” and enter “Ms. Applonie” and the amount.

Also, if you haven’t filled out any of the permission forms for this year please do so as soon as you get a free moment!
Ms. Applonie’s Class Disclosure 
Food Permission Form  
Parent Survey 
Bloomz Sign Up


  • Tuesday, Aug, 30th – Picture Day! Fliers went home on Thursday last week, or you can order by clicking on the flier below.
  • Monday, Sept 5th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL

MATH: We will start lesson 1 this week which is rounding. This concept is very hard for 3rd graders to master so we will be practicing this skill all year. Below is the family letter explaining how we round and it includes an activity that helps with rounding. If you would like to give your child extra practice with rounding, this activity would be an excellent option to use. I will be sending home the letter with your child on Monday.

ELA: This week we will be working on Week 2 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.

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Week of August 22nd

We had an amazing first three days of school. Your children already have a special place in my heart and I am so excited for the school year. To help you keep on top of what we are doing in class, I will be posting what we will do every week. Here you will find what we are working on in Math, ELA, and other going ons in our class. I will also post important dates that you will need to remember.

If you haven’t please sign up for Bloomz, fill out the food permission form, sign the class disclosure agreement, fill out the parent survey, and pay the $30.00 class donation to the office, that would be great. 🙂 The links are all located here: Ms. Applonie’s Class Disclosure Food Permission Form  Parent Survey Bloomz Sign Up


  • Thursday, Aug. 25th – Short Day
  • Friday, Aug. 26th – NO SCHOOL – Teacher Work Day
  • Tuesday, Aug, 30th – Picture Day! More details to come soon!
  • Monday, Sept 5th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL

MATH: We will be starting our math unit this week. We will be reviewing 2nd grade material and that will give me an idea of what your child knows before we jump into 3rd grade standards. We will also be taking our I-Ready math diagnostics over the course of the week.

ELA: This week we will be working on Week 1 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class.

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Back to School Night

Back to School Night is on Monday, Aug. 15th. Classroom presentations begin at 6:00pm and will be held every half hour until 8:00pm.

Please come to whichever presentation works for you. I will be shutting the door during each session. If the door is shut when you arrive I encourage you to wait for the next session. However, you are still welcome to come in and join the session if you are unable to wait. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and working with you throughout this school year!

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Welcome to Third Grade!

I am so excited to meet all the students in my class this year! We’re going to have a great time together and learn a lot of fun things. I have many wonderful memories of when I was in third grade and I am excited to create more with you! I will see you at Back to School Night on August 15, and then on the First Day of School, August 17! The first three days are are early out day with dismissal at 1:20.

Here are a few things you can do now:

Subscribe to the Blog: Please subscribe to the blog by clicking on the button to the right and filling out the form.

Class Disclosure Statement: Please read and sign- Ms. Applonie’s Class Disclosure

Food Permission Form: This is a blanket food permission form for the entire school year.  The food items on this list are ones we have used regularly in the past for class parties and for math, science, and ELA lessons. Please check all items that your child can have. There is a box for substitution suggests if your child cannot have items on the list. Food Permission Form

Parent Survey:  The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better.  Please take a few moments to fill it out. Parent Survey

Supply List:  I am asking for money donations in the amount of $30.00 instead of you buying your child’s supplies. This means I do all the shopping, labeling and organizing.  Awesome, right? One less thing you have to worry about. However, this does not cover headphones. Please send those with your child on the first day of school. To see what your $30.00 will cover click on the class supply list under the Parent Information tab above, or click this link.

Payments may be made on Quest’s website by clicking “Current Families,” then “Online Payments.” Enter my name and donation amount.

One way that you can help your child over the summer is to READ!!! It is so important to have your child read every day for 20 minutes.

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Happy Summer!

This has been a wonderful year. Your students have worked hard and now they are ready to play hard this summer! I am so proud of all they have achieved. I have loved teaching them and watching them grow. Each one holds has a special place in my heart and always will. I am looking forward to seeing all they accomplish in the coming years! Happy Summer!

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Final Week Schedule

Backpacks are optional this week. We do encourage students to bring water bottles every day (except on Thursday). Please make sure ALL permission forms are filled out for our fun filled week!

 Regular schedule

Lunch in the lunchroom. Our wonderful lunch staff have invited us to have lunch in the lunchroom to learn procedures for 1st grade. Please let me know if you have any concerns.
*This is your student’s free lunch for the day.
*If your student has an allergy NOT noted in aspire please contact the office so our lunch staff is prepared to accommodate your student.

   FIELD DAY (at Quest)-please bring a water bottle. Volunteers welcome during our time on the blowups.  Volunteer Sign Up for Field Day
*Fill out the following form to give permission for your child to eat a popsicle during field day activities. Popsicle Permission Form-Field Day

THURSDAY, MAY 27- 8:30-12:00
   FIELD TRIP (at the Treehouse Museum)- please wear Quest uniform (it helps us identify our students at the Treehouse). Field Trip Permission Form
*ALL CLASSES(AM and PM) need to be at the school at 8:30am and picked up at 12:00pm

FRIDAY, MAY 30– Early Out
   Yearbook Signing   
   Free Dress Down

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Graduation Pictures

Kindergarten Graduation Pictures are available in the Google Drive we shared at the beginning of the year. (Email me if you need the link again: aapplonie@questac.org)
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End of School Year Events

Friday May 20th-Kindergarten Graduation Pictures
To commemorate the end of the school year we will be taking graduation pictures outside wearing a “graduation crown” and a background. We will put your student’s pictures in their google drive folder. If you would like to take some of your own pictures you are welcome to
*PM-Please arrive early when drop off your student if you would like to take your own pictures.

Wednesday May 25th-Field Day
AM 8:30-9:30
PM 2:00-3:00
The school is providing blow ups for students to play on. There will be obstacle courses and slides. If you do NOT want your student to participate let me know.
If you would like to volunteer during field day, fill out the following form to let me know you will be there. You do not need to plan anything, just be there to help out. Volunteer Sign Up for Field Day

Thursday May 26thTreehouse Museum Field Trip 8:30-12:00
ALL KINDERGARTEN CLASSES WILL BE GOING ON THE FIELD TRIP AT THIS TIME. Both AM and PM classes need to be at the school by 8:30 the day of the field trip. Your student needs to be picked up at the school at 12:00pm. For all other students it is a short day and school is out at 1:00pm. Field Trip Permission Form

Friday May 27th-Year book signing, last day of school
Short day schedule

Grades and Testing Scores
Your student’s end of year grades and testing scores will be sent home the beginning of next week. If you have questions please let me know.

Next week for a fun activity we will be watching some educational movies from LeapFrog. If you do not want your child to watch please let me know.

Thank you for making it to the end of this post! Have your student tell me the secret code “purple puppy” and they will get to pick a prize from the treasure chest.

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