PLEASE READ-KEEP testing May 9th-13th

We have NO SCHOOL next week, May 9th-13th. Students will be coming in for their end of year testing appointment. Please click HERE to check your appointment time. Our goal is to stay on schedule. To be able to do this please know that we can NOT stop and talk, especially after to discuss how your student did. I will send home the test results the following week, if you have questions after that please reach out to schedule an appointment with me.

There will be chairs set up for you to wait inside the Q1 doors that lead to the portable just like at during the entry KEEP test. If we have good weather, there will also be chairs outside the portable. Unlike our parent teacher conferences, please do NOT knock on the classroom door to let us know you have arrived. A portion of the testing is timed. If a student is startled or distracted even for a few seconds their test could be skewed. We will come and pick up your student.

To help your student do their best please make sure that you are reading with them every day. Practice letters and sounds with them daily. Whenever you are in the car give them a word and ask them to say all the sounds in that word. A week without school is a long time. We want to keep their brains warmed up to truly show all they can do!

We have worked all year long and WE ARE READY for this! Click HERE to watch our school’s motivational testing video with your student.

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Week of May 2nd-6th

Upcoming Events:

  • May 2-6: A portion of kindergarten testing begins in class. Please make sure your student comes to school EVERY DAY, well rested, and with a full belly to help them do their best!
  • May 2-5– Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Scholastic Book Fair.
  • May 9-13: Kindergarten End of Year Testing- No School for all half day kindergarten. We will use this week to meet with each student individually to administer kindergarten testing. Please click HERE to sign up. IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED UP YET PLEASE SIGN UP NOW!
  • May 26: Treehouse Museum Field Trip. Click on the following link to give your student permission to come on the field trip. Please note I already have all the chaperone spaces filled. Field Trip Permission Form


  • If your student has not returned their library book it needs to either be paid for or returned ASAP.
  • Friday: Short day. Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).
  • Send your student with a water bottle every day!!!
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Treehouse Museum Field Trip

We are looking forward to our upcoming Treehouse Museum field trip on Thursday, May 26, 8:30-12noon

$4.00 donations are welcome to help with our field trip expenses, including the cost of bus transportation. Donations may be paid in the Q1 office. 

Please click on the following link to complete a permission form for your child: Field Trip Permission Form

If you would like to help chaperone our field trip please indicate so on the form by Friday(4/29). In the case more people sign up that we can bring I will put everyone that said they want to come in a drawing to randomly select our chaperones. After I will reach out to notify you who was chosen.

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Week of April 25th-29th

Upcoming Events:

  • May 9-13: Kindergarten End of Year Testing- No School for all half day kindergarten. We will use this week to meet with each student individually to administer kindergarten testing. Please click HERE to sign up ASAP.
  • May 26: Treehouse Museum Field Trip


  • Your student needs to be in class every day as we prepare for testing.
  • The last day to check out new books from the library will be April 26th. Your student will start keep their library book in the classroom in their chair pocket to avoid lost and damaged books.
  • If you have a lost or damaged library book please find, replace, or pay ASAP
  • Friday: Short day. Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).

Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:

Big Idea for Unit 10: “How can new ideas help us?”

Comprehension strategy: “Make, confirm, and revise predictions” We will read fictional texts to go along with this week’s theme “What can happen when we work together?”

New High Frequency Words: who, good

Phonics: blend and segment sounds in CVC words

Vocabulary: opinion, decide, grateful, marvel, ragged

Math: Lesson 15  “Build Shapes” and continue working on math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.

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Week of April 18th-22nd

Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, April 19th: Spring pictures and FREE dress down day.
    Prepay Code: QuestAcadSpring22
    To preview package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE
  • May 9-13: Kindergarten End of Year Testing- No School for all half day kindergarten. We will use this week to meet with each student individually to administer kindergarten testing. Please click HERE to sign up ASAP.


  • Tuesday: Library books are due!  Send take-home folders to school and review contents of folder when returned.
  • The last day to check out new books from the library will be April 26th. If your student has had trouble consistently returning books they will start keeping their library book in the classroom in their chair pocket.
  • Friday: Short day. Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).
  • Your student needs to bring a water bottle every day.

Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:

Big Idea for Unit 9: “How do things change?”

Comprehension strategy: “Reread” We will read informational and fictional texts to go along with this week’s theme “How can things in nature be used to make other things?”

New High Frequency Words: where, look

Phonics: blend and segment sounds in CVC words

Vocabulary: knowledge, designs, weave, natural resources, create

Math: Lesson 14  “Compare Shapes” and continue working on math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.

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Spring Pictures!

Picture Day is Coming Soon!
FREE dress down day for pictures!
Quest Academy
Tues, April 19, 2022
Prepay Code: QuestAcadSpring22
To preview package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE

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End of Year Testing Appointment

End of year testing is May 9th-13th. There will be NO SCHOOL FOR HALF DAY KINDERGARTEN that entire week because the majority of kindergarten testing is given one on one. Each student will come in for their testing at a designated appointment time throughout that week. If you are unable to bring your student to one of the appointment times please reach out to me ASAP so we can make other plans.

Please click HERE to sign up for a time slot to bring your student in for end of year testing.

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What we are learning:

We are now beginning Unit 9 in Language Arts. Below are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering.  In addition, we continue to read decodable books and passages. We are also writing sentences about the texts we read.

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Week of April 11th-15th

Upcoming Events:

  • May 9-13: Kindergarten End of Year Testing- No School for all half day kindergarten. We will use this week to meet with each student individually because a large portion of kindergarten end of year testing is done one on one. Each testing appointment will be 45 minutes long. The testing appointment sign up will be sent out later this week.


  • Tuesday: Library books are due!  Send take-home folders to school and review contents of folder when returned.
  • The last day to check out new books from the library will be April 26th. If your student has had trouble consistently returning books they will start keeping their library book in the classroom in their chair pocket.
  • Friday: Short day. Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).
  • To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each Tuesday.
  • Your student needs to bring a water bottle every day.

Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:

Big Idea for Unit 9: “How do things change?”

Comprehension strategy: “Reread” We will read fictional texts to go along with this week’s theme “What do good citizens do?”

New High Frequency Words: play, has

Phonics: blend and segment sounds in CVC words

Vocabulary: citizen, respect, tidy, necessary, hauled

Math: Lesson 13  “See position and shape” and continue working on math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.

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Week of March 28th-April 1st

Upcoming Events:

  • April 4th-8th: Spring Break!
  • May 9-13: Kindergarten End of Year Testing- No School for all half day kindergarten


  • Friday: Short day. Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)
  • To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each Tuesday.
  • Your student needs to bring a water bottle every day.
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $18 until Wednesday, March 30th(tomorrow)
    Click here to pay: Yearbook Online Orders

Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:

Big Idea for Unit 9: “How do things change?”

Comprehension strategy: “Ask and Answer Questions” We will read fictional and informational texts to go along with this week’s theme “How can you help out at home?”

New High Frequency Words: too, help

Phonics: blend and segment sounds in CVC words. 

Vocabulary: chores, contribute, accomplish, member, organize

Math: Lesson 12  “Name Shapes” and continue working on math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.

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