Week of May 6th

The RISE test begins on Wednesday. This will be the start of our testing period which will last through next week. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep eats breakfast every day. Your student will be provided with a snack before testing begins but this does not replace a good breakfast.

We have so much going on the last month of school. Please check back often to make sure that you don’t miss out on any important information.

ICE CREAM MULTIPLICATION PARTY – On Tuesday, May 21st, we will be having our Multiplication Ice Cream Party. Students have been working hard to pass off their multiplication facts and earning their toppings for a banana sundae. We are also looking for volunteers, so if you would like to help out, please let me know.

Important Dates:

  • May 8-9, 13 – ELA RISE Testing from 10:10-11:20
  • May 14-16 – Math RISE Testing from 10:10-11:20
  • Mon. May 20 – Math Science Olympiad
  • Tues. May 21 – Multiplication Ice Cream Party
  • Wed. May 22 – Field Day
  • Thurs. May 23 – Talent Show & Early Out
  • Fri. May 24 – Last Day of School!
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Week of April 29th

We have end-of-year testing right around the corner.  It is very important that your children are here at school. WE ARE REVIEWING EVERYDAY! It is also important that they are getting a good night’s sleep, a good breakfast, and are here on time.

Important Dates:

  • Apr. 29-May 3 – Reading & Math Acadience Testing
  • May 8-9, 13 – ELA RISE Testing from 10:10-11:20
  • May 14-16 – Math RISE Testing from 10:10-11:20
  • Wed. May 22 – Field Day
  • Thurs. May 23 – Early out
  • Fri. May 24 – Last Day of School!
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Week of April 22nd


  • We are taking the FrontRunner to the Museum of Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point.
  • Teachers will be at the Roy station at 7:45. Please have your kids there by 8:00, but feel free to be there earlier.
  • Chaperones please be there between 7:45-7:55am to help things runs smoothly.
  • Our train leaves at 8:15 (we can NOT wait for you or your student if you are late).
  • We will be back in Roy at 2:45pm so you will need to make arrangements for your student to be picked up at that time.
  • We are walking from the FrontRunner station to the museum and back (about 3/4 mile one way). Make sure your student is dressed appropriately.
  • If you marked school lunch on the permission form, it has been ordered and will be at the station waiting for your student.
  • Do NOT send your student with money the day of the field trip.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, Apr. 23 – Field Trip to the Museum of Curiosity
  • Friday, Apr. 26 – Dollar Dress Down
  • May 8-9, 13 – ELA Rise Testing from 10:10-11:20
  • May 14-16 – Math Rise Testing from 10:10-11:20

We have end-of-year testing right around the corner.  It is very important that your children are here at school. WE ARE REVIEWING EVERYDAY! It is also important that they are getting a good night’s sleep, a good breakfast, and are here on time.

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Kids Read Now

Hello, Quest Families!

The State has an amazing program called Kids Read Now! This program allows our students, Kindergarten through 3rd Grade, to select FOUR FREE BOOKS to read during the summer (they’ll be shipped to your house). The intent is to encourage reading during the summer months and to help students maintain their reading skills. Orders will only be fulfilled once we have indicated  that every child has made their selections. Please click here for an instructional video on selecting and receiving these books. This link will also be available on your student’s class blog. Please select your books by Friday, May 3rd . Thanks for all you do. Happy summer and happy READING!

Quest Administration

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Week of April 15th


If your student does not have their multiplication facts memorized please make sure you are providing them the extra support they need at home. In our math curriculum it is assumed they now know their multiplication, and division, facts fluently.

Field Trip Reminders:

  • We are taking the FrontRunner to the Museum of Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point.
  • You must be at the Roy FrontRunner station by 8:00am (if chaperones could be there between 7:50-7:55am that would be so helpful to make sure everything runs smoothly).
  • Our train leaves at 8:15am (we can NOT wait for you or your student if you are late).
  • We will be back in Roy at 2:45pm so you will need to make arrangements for your student to be picked up at that time.
  • We are walking from the FrontRunner station to the museum and back (about 3/4 mile one way). Make sure your student is dressed appropriately.
  • Chaperones should have already paid their $12 fee to the office.
  • The cost is $6 per student paid to the office.
  • Do NOT send your student with money the day of the field trip.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, Apr. 23 – Field Trip to the Museum of Curiosity – PERMISSION FORM
  • Friday, Apr. 26 – Dollar Dress Down
  • May 8-9, 13 – ELA Rise Testing from 10:10-11:20
  • May 14-16 – Math Rise Testing from 10:10-11:20

MATH – This week we will be finishing up PERIMETER WITH AREA.  There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want to give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. 

ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 6 Week 2 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on using text features to bettr understand the text.

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Week of April 8th

Welcome back from Spring Break!! I hope everyone had relaxing and restful break. Now that we are on this side of spring break everything is going to go into hyper drive! Please make sure that your child is here everyday because we will be reviewing and practicing for our upcoming end of levels tests. The testing dates I have us for scheduled are listed under the important dates sections.

Important Dates:

  • Friday, Apr. 12 – Payments for field trip are due – $6 per student and $12 per chaperone
  • Tuesday, Apr. 23 – Field Trip to the Museum of Curiosity – PERMISSION FORM
  • Friday, Apr. 26 – Dollar Dress Down
  • May 8-9, 13 – ELA Rise Testing from 10:10-11:20
  • May 14-16 – Math Rise Testing from 10:10-11:20

MATH – This week we will be working on PERIMETER WITH AREA.  There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want to give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. 

ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 6 Week 1 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on using text features to bettr understand the text.

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Week of March 25th

Important Dates:

  • Friday, Mar. 29th – Last day to purchase yearbooks
  • Apr. 1st-5th – Spring Break!!
  • Tuesday, Apr. 23 – Field Trip to the Museum of Curiosity – PERMISSION FORM


The last day to purchase yearbooks will be March 29th. All purchases are online only and may be made through this link HERE. The link may also be found on our website under “Payments”.

  • Elementary ID code: 15110624
  • Junior High ID code: 15110524

MATH – This week we will be finishing up TIME and ELAPSED TIME.  There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.

ELA: This week we will be reviewing! We will be taking the Unit 5 assessment to review all we have covered from this unit. We are also going to be reviewing and preparing for the RISE test by doing practice tests.

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Mini Cheer Showcase

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Week of March 18th (Field Trip Information Below)


We are currently planning a fun and adventurous field trip that will take place Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024.  We have the opportunity to visit the Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point.  This field trip is our only field trip that we will be riding FrontRunner. 

All students and parent volunteers must be at the Roy FrontRunner Station by 8:00am.  The address for the station is 4155 South Sandrigde Dr.  We will be taking the 8:15 train to the Lehi station and we cannot wait for those who are late. Teachers will be at the train station at 7:45, so feel free to drop your child off earlier than 8:00

           The cost for this field trip is $6.00 per student and needs to be paid to the front office. We are looking for parents to chaperone this field trip! The cost for volunteers’ entry into the museum and their train ride is $12.00. All money needs to be paid to the office by Friday, April 12th.   If we do not have payment by this time, you will not be able to attend with us.  Please indicate on the form below if you would like to chaperone.  Due to the nature of this trip and the need for constant adult supervision, PLEASE make other arrangements for ALL other siblings. It is the museum’s policy that chaperones have NO OTHER CHILDREN with them.

    We will be taking the FrontRunner home as well.  We will catch the train at 1:14 and arrive back at the Roy Train Station at 2:45.  This is earlier than school gets out.  You will need to make arrangements to pick your child up at this time.  

         School lunch will be available this day, but it MUST be ordered by April 9th.  Please indicate on the form below which lunch option your child will be taking with us.  Students will also need to bring their backpack on this day.  Their backpack will serve as a storage place for their coat and lunch throughout the day. Students will not be allowed to purchase anything from the gift shop, so please DO NOT SEND MONEY with them.   

         Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather the day of the field trip.  We will be walking from the Frontrunner station to the museum, which is about ¾ of a mile.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.  

        Please fill out this PERMISSION FORM and make payments no later than Friday, April 12th. However, we will gladly accept them before that.


The last day to purchase yearbooks will be March 29th. All purchases are online only and may be made through this link HERE. The link may also be found on our website under “Payments”.

  • Elementary ID code: 15110624
  • Junior High ID code: 15110524

Important Dates:

  • Friday, Mar. 22nd – POQA Mother-Son Dance
  • Friday, Mar. 29th – Last day to purchase yearbooks
  • Apr. 1st-5th – Spring Break!!
  • Tuesday, Apr. 23 – Field Trip to the Museum of CuriosityPERMISSION FORM

MATH – This week we will be working on TIME and ELAPSED TIME.  There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want go give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.

ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 5 Week 5 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on identifying cause and effect to explain the sequence of events.

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Week of March 11th

Happy Daylight Savings Time! There’s a lot of information in this week’s post, please read through it carefully and let me know if you have any questions!


We have a lockdown drill coming up on Thursday, March 14th. The purpose of this lockdown drill is to prepare our students, staff, and school community for an emergency situation involving an intruder or the report of a weapon at the school. It is crucial that our students understand the procedures and know how to respond appropriately in such a scenario. Please note that teachers will take time to explain these procedures prior to the drill. During the drill, Dr. Dave will make the following announcement twice: “Lockdown drill! Locks, lights, out of sight.” Teachers will ensure doors are closed and locked, that the lights are off, and that students are secure within the classroom.

We are fortunate to have the assistance of our local police department during this drill. Their expertise will ensure that the drill is conducted safely and effectively, providing our students with the most realistic and beneficial preparation possible.

We kindly ask that you discuss this upcoming drill with your children beforehand. It is important for them to understand the purpose of the drill and what they can expect. This will help to alleviate any fears or anxieties they may have and ensure they feel prepared and confident.

We understand that the subject of lockdown drills can be sensitive, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Your support in helping keep our students safe is invaluable.


The last day to purchase yearbooks will be March 29th. All purchases are online only and may be made through this link HERE. The link may also be found on our website under “Payments”.

  • Elementary ID code: 15110624
  • Junior High ID code: 15110524

FIELD TRIP to the Museum of Curiosity

We have a fun and exciting field trip planned on April 23rd! We will be taking the Frontrunner to the Curiosity Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Permission forms, parent volunteer opportunities, and more information will be posted with next week’s blog post!

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, Mar. 14th – Lockdown Drill
  • Friday, Mar. 15th – Spring Pictures & Dress Down
  • Friday, Mar. 15th – POQA Daddy-Daughter Dance
  • Friday, Mar. 22nd – POQA Mother-Son Dance
  • Friday, Mar. 29th – Last day to purchase yearbooks
  • Apr. 1st-5th – Spring Break!!
  • Tuesday, Apr. 23 – Field Trip to the Museum of Curiosity – More info to come next week!

MATH – We will be learning all about line plots and measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch.  There is an activity attached to the family letter below. This is a good activity to do with your child if you want to give them some extra practice. Please continue to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. In class students will be showing what they know by passing off timed tests.

ELA: This week we will be working on Unit 5 Week 4 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. Our emphasis will be on describing characters and explaining how their actions impact the sequence of events.

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