~ C.S. Lewis
Important Dates:
Monday – No School – President’s Day –No School
Tuesday –
Thursday- Library
Friday- Dress Down, Early Release
February 27th – Aquarium Field Trip
April 10th – Museum of Curiosity Field Trip
- Thank you to the volunteers who came and in and sent in supplies for our Valentine’s Day party!! We had a blast
- Living Aquarium bus field trip- Wednesday, February 27th (Parents will need to drive for this field trip because students will be riding a bus.)
- If you have not paid, please do that ASAP!!
- Curiosity Museum field trip- Wednesday, April 10th
- REMEMBER-I already have the 10 chaperone spots filled!
- If you signed up to go and plans have changed, let me know ASAP, we have a waitlist.
Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night. Doing this will be very helpful to your child’s overall reading and comprehension growth.