February 4-8

                                        There is no substitute for hard work.
                                                        ~ Thomas A. Edison   

This Week:

1/28: STEM
1/31: Library
2/01:Early Release, Spirit Shirts 

Classroom Information:
Please look on BLOOMZ for the Valentine’s Day Party sign-up

Valentines Day Party
We will be having a Valentine’s Day Party on Thursday, February 14th from 1:30-3:00.  Any parents willing to volunteer and run a center during the party, please let me know.

Also, please send 23 Valentine cards with each of your students on Valentine’s Day to pass out. Each student will bring a bag home to decorate to use for collecting Valentines. Please make sure that your child’s name is visible on the bag, and it is returned to school by February 14th.  Another reminder, please do not attach candy or food to the Valentine Cards, but you can be creative and do pencils, erasers, etc.

*More dates have been added to this list. Please update your calendars with the following events*
January 29th & 31st- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Please Sign up if you haven’t)
January 29th-February 1st- Book Fair
February 1st- Super Bowl Inference Party
February 4th- Multiplication Madness Kickoff
February 14th- Valentine Party from 1:30-3:00
February 18th- NO SCHOOL: President’s Day
February 27th- Field Trip to the Living Planet Aquarium
March 28th- Multiplication Madness Celebration 
April 1st-5th – Spring Break 
April 10th- Field Trip to the Museum of Curiosity 
May 23rd @ 1:30- Mrs. Alexander’s 3rd grade Class Play

FIELD TRIPS: Permission Slips for the Museum of Curiosity went home last week. $5 payments for students and $15 payments for the parents who have signed up to come should be sent to the office. 
Permission slips for the Living Aquarium went home last week. Please send them back signed with the $5 needed.

Math in
Fractions!!! Our first week of  fractions was AWESOME! This class is so smart and everyone picked up the concept quickly. Our quiz on Friday was a success all around. This week we continue with fractions, but will be focusing on Fractions on a Number Line. We are learning our x8 facts. Please practice these facts using the Addams Family tune.  Encourage your child to teach you the other songs that we’ve learned as well (I’ve listed them below). Practicing at home is very helpful!
x2- Jingle Bells
x3- Happy Birthday
x4- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
x6- Frosty the Snowman
x7- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
x8- Addams Family


No surprises! 20 minutes of reading every night and Reflex. Please make sure that your child gets a green light in Reflex AT LEAST 3 times during the week. If doing Reflex at home is not possible at times, please send me an email or Bloomz message so that I can arrange for your child to have an opportunity to get it completed at school.

Work hard. Be kind.
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