Category Archives: Uncategorized

December 9 – 13

December is one of my favorite months of the year! I just wish it would slow down a little bit. I only have a few precious days at school with my students and there is just so much I want … Continue reading

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Grinch Party!

It’s time for another one of our 3rd grade traditions!Each year we hold the Grinch Party to help our students focus on RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & KINDNESS.To show our appreciation for the amazing people they are, we all gather together to … Continue reading

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December 2 – 6

I hope that everyone had a fabulous and relaxing Thanksgiving break.  I can’t believe that we are now in December and I am wondering where has the time gone.  This month is super crazy busy so please make sure that … Continue reading

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NOVEMBER 18 – 22

                                                                Welcome to our class!!!Announcements:Monday, 11/18 – Welcome Brooklyn, … Continue reading

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November 11-15

                                                                                … Continue reading

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November 4 – 8

How can it be NOVEMBER?! Time has flown by this year and we are well into the swing of things.  I am so thankful that I get to spend my days with these incredible kids. Each one of them is … Continue reading

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October 28 – 31

~Intelligence plus character, that is the true goal of education~                                     Martin Luther King, Jr.Important Dates:Monday, Oct. 28- CrAzY DaYTuesday, Oct. 29 – Coding … Continue reading

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Halloween Food Permission

Please follow this link to fill out the Food Permission Form for the treats at our Halloween Party next week!Thanks,Mrs. Alexander

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October 21-25

                                                    ~Practice makes progress, not perfect~I hope everyone had a relaxing, fun-filled fall break.  I … Continue reading

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October 14th & 15th

                        ~Children must be taught how to think, not what to think~                                      … Continue reading

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