Category Archives: Uncategorized

October 7 – 11

                                              ~If you can dream it, you can do it~                  … Continue reading

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Quest Happenings

There are several things going on at Quest! Please read below for information on a number of important evens.Quest Elementary ChoirPlease click on the link below if you would like your child to participate in the school choir.  This is … Continue reading

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September 30 – October 4

                               ~Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much~                            … Continue reading

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September 23 – 27

                                     ~As you think, so shall you be~                                … Continue reading

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September 16 – 20

                                          Mistakes are PROOF that you are trying!                          … Continue reading

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Apple Witches

Apple Witch Time!3rd grade has a tradition of carving and dressing apple witches each fall. It is a super fun project that we will connect with a writing activity. Apple witches will be carved this month and set out dry … Continue reading

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Back-to-School Night

Back to School Night on Friday August 16th from 5:30-7:30pm.You may make your student’s school supply donation to the office during this time!

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Welcome to 3rd Grade!

WELCOME! I am so excited to be welcoming you and your child into my classroom this fall.This is going to be a wonderful year full of new experiences. Be prepared to see so much growth throughout this year. A few important … Continue reading

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Parents,Here is the link for our class play. Again, I cannot say enough about how proud I am of your children. Thank you for sharing a wonderful year with me, and HAPPY SUMMER! hard. Be kind.Mrs. Alexander

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The FINAL Week of 3rd Grade

The end of the year is difficult for me. I have come to know and love these children so much that the thought of not welcoming them into my classroom every morning fills me with sadness. BUT- I endure it … Continue reading

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