Category Archives: Uncategorized

There may be people who have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse                                     for anyone to work harder than you do.    … Continue reading

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Field Trip Information

We are so excited to head out on our first 3rd grade field trip tomorrow!  Just wanted to post about some important things to remember.Please be at school ON TIME because we will load the bus promptly at 8:30 AM.  If you are late, we … Continue reading

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February 25- March 1

Perseverance, the secret of all great triumphs                                            ~ Victor HugoImportant Dates:Monday  –  STEMTuesday –  Wednesday- FIELD TRIPThursday- LibraryFriday- Dr. Seuss Day, Early … Continue reading

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February 18-22

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.                                            ~ C.S. LewisImportant Dates:Monday  –  No School –  President’s Day … Continue reading

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February 11- 15

     You are never too old to set another goal or dream another dream                                                    … Continue reading

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February 4-8

                                        There is no substitute for hard work.                            … Continue reading

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January 28- February 1

Education must not simply teach work, it must also teach life.                                                        ~ W.E.B. … Continue reading

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Multiplication Madness

We are hitting multiplication facts really hard in math right now.  Starting Monday, January 28th,  Multiplication Madness will begin!  Please start drilling and multiplying the multiplication facts with your students this week.  The students are expected to drill their math facts … Continue reading

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January 21-25

                                      The time is always right to do what is right.                       … Continue reading

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January 14-18

                                      A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.                          … Continue reading

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