I never lose. I either win or learn.
~ Nelson Mandela
Important Dates:
Monday – STEM
Tuesday –
Thursday- Library, Multiplication Madness Celebration
Friday- Dollar Dress Down, Early Release
Upcoming Dates
March 28th- Multiplication Madness Celebration
April 1st-5th – Spring Break
April 10th- Field Trip to the Museum of Curiosity
May 23rd @ 1:30- Mrs. Alexander’s 3rd grade Class Play
How is it even possible that we are beginning the 4th Quarter already?
I just love these kids so much and I’m not ready to let them become 4th graders! However, we have so much ground to cover between now and the end of the year. We have assigned parts and just begun learning our class play- which has been so fun and exciting. Students will need to create/gather costumes for their characters. These DO NOT have to be elaborate. If you need any help or direction, please let me know and I’d be happy to help to the best of limited crafty-abilities.
**Multiplication Madness Celebration is on THURSDAY. Thank you to everyone that has signed up on BLOOMZ to volunteer or to bring syrups.**
Students have until Thursday to pass off any facts that they have not yet mastered. A few minutes of practice at home each night will make a huge impact on fact fluency!
ALL permission slips are due for our field trip to the Museum of Curiosity.
If you are going on the field trip with our class, please make sure to pay your fee to the office as soon as possible. Our payment is due to the Museum by Wednesday. If you are not able to go anymore, please let me know so that I can offer the spot to another parent.
What’s Happening in Math
We are beginning our unit on Measurement. First up is liquid volume. We are going to be learning about and estimating with different measurements of capacity.
Keep working on those multiplication facts!!! Our Multiplication Madness Sundae Party is quickly approaching.
Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night. Even when children are reading grade level and above grade level books it is still imperative that they spend time reading out loud. This can be done by reading to a parent or younger sibling!
Work hard. Be kind.
Make sure you subscribe to our blog!
Class Links
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