Category Archives: Uncategorized

One More Field Trip

Permission SlipThe Forth Grade team are going to squeeze in one more field trip before the school year ends. We are going to go visit the Utah State Capital on Monday, May 20th. We are excited to tour the facility … Continue reading

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Museum on the Move Pictures

We were lucky enough to have the Natural History Museum of Utah come and teach our class more about fossils!

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Museum Photos

We had a fantastic time at the museum Tuesday despite the wet weather! Thanks to all our chaperones who came with us!

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Carnival Volunteers

Please sign up as soon as possible if you’re able to help out at the carnival.Carnival Sign Up

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Utah History Program

I was so proud of the way our class sang and participated in the program. For those who weren’t able to make it that night, we will be performing again for the school Thursday, May 16 at 9:00 am in … Continue reading

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Utah Poems

We recorded the poems that we wrote for the quilt that was hanging in the gym during our program. The video wasn’t working that night, so I’ve posted it here.Video

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Testing Treats

We will be passing out treats throughout test taking. Rewards for working hard are always fun! We want to reward them with sugar  Permission for treats link

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Field Trip Details

     We are excited to announce our next field trip! The entire fourth grade will be traveling to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Ancient Life. Our classes will be using the Frontrunner instead of busses for this … Continue reading

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Arts Festival

Arts Festival-Friday, April 26th from 5:00-8:00PM @ Quest Academy-World’s Best Corndogs and Waffle Love food trucks-Coloring Contest (K-5th grade) with prizes-Chalk Art Contest with prizes-Arts Showcase, categories are: pencil, colored pencil, paint/watercolor, photography, and other (sculpture, origami, pastels, chalk, etc.) … Continue reading

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Upcoming Dates

April 24th @6:30– 4th Grade Utah Singing Performance/Displays in Q1 gym. Please bring your own blankets or lawn chairs to sit on. We don’t have enough folding chairs for everyone. All family and friends are invited to attend. Best dress … Continue reading

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