Category Archives: Uncategorized

Important End of Year Information!

Multiplication Ice Cream Party – On Tuesday, May 24th, our third graders will be celebrated for all of their hard work for memorizing their multiplication facts. Please make sure that you are practicing these facts with your child everyday. Each … Continue reading

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Week of May 9

We made it through the first week of May. YAY!! Our schedule last week was full a practice testing and reviewing for our upcoming RISE test. We start on Monday. Please make sure that your child is getting a good … Continue reading

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Week of May 2

Oh my goodness! We are now into May and that means that there are very few days left. We have so much to get done in this short amount of time, so please make sure that your child is here … Continue reading

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Week of April 25

Alright! It is crunch time. We will finish up our last math lesson and our last ELA lesson this week!! HOLY COW?!? Where did our time go? Just because we are finishing up our whole groups lessons does not mean … Continue reading

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Week of April 18

This week we will start our benchmark tests. This is a practice test for the end of level Rise test. This data will be used to know what my kids still need practice on. If you have any questions about … Continue reading

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Spring Pictures

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Week of April 11

WELCOME BACK!! I hope everyone had a fabulous and restful spring break. Now that spring break is behind us we have so much to do and so little time. Please really try hard to have your child here everyday. We … Continue reading

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West Haven Easter Egg Hunt

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Week of March 28

I am so excited because our field trip is this week. We will be going to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium on Tuesday and here is our schedule for the day. We will be in the classroom at 8:30 to … Continue reading

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Week of March 21

Our field trip to the aquarium is getting closer and I am so excited! If you have not done so, please make sure that you fill out the permission form for our field trip. The permission form and money are due … Continue reading

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