Mountain Man Rendezvous

Dear Parents,

    On Tuesday, March 26th the fourth grade will be holding its annual Mountain Man Rendezvous. This activity will be part of our social studies curriculum and participation will be graded (personal responsibility). Students will gain a better understanding of basic economics, as well as how mountain men and early pioneers made and sold products. Students need to be present for this activity. 
      As part of this activity, the fourth graders will be required to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples include: Native American Drums, flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, plants, and crafts. No food items will be allowed. This product should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal (no more than $10). Students will need to make 24 items to sell. NO real money will be used to purchase products; instead, students will be rewarded with “pelts” for behavior, assignments, and actions in class. Students will use their pelts to purchase the products made by other students.  
    Products will be DUE: MONDAY, March 25th in class. This will assure that students are ready to sell on Tuesday, as well as give time for teachers to help students price their product and make a poster in class. Parents you will also be invited to this fun event. You can help your child, but please make sure they do the selling. It will start at 1:30 in our Q1 gym. Be sure to see a teacher to get some pelts so you can do some shopping too!

Rendezvous Permission Form
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Quest Musical

pirated Poster 8.5x11
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Important Upcoming Events

Please mark your calendar.

March 26       4th Grade Rendezvous 1:30-2:30-Information coming soon
April 1st-5th  Spring Break-No School
April 24          Fourth Grade Performance-Singing/Displays
April 30          Museum of Natural Life Field Trip-Information coming soon.
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Friend Ram Grams

Friend “Ram” Grams will be on sale Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week before and after school for 25 cents each. Kindergarten-4th grade Ram Grams will be sold in the Q1 building, and 5th grade-junior high Ram Grams will be sold in Q2. Ram Grams will be delivered on Thursday morning to the students’ homerooms or first period class, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Frog Heart
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Valentine’s Day

Our class will be passing out Valentines next Thursday during the last hour of school. If your child would like to decorate a box or bag to collect them in, they are welcome to do so. If they bring Valentines for the class, please remember that food of any kind is not allowed. We have 23 students in our class. 

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Clothing Drive

Clothing Drive
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Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

It’s that time of the year again! I’m excited to meet with you and talk about how much your student has grown since we last met. Please click on the following link to reserve your appointment. Thanks!
PTC Sign Up

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Multi-Digit Multiplication

Multi-digit multiplication is the math standard we are reviewing this week. Below is a link to Mrs. Anson’s blog. She has posted videos of herself modeling the methods of multiplication that the students need to know in order to master this standard.

Marvelous Math Made Easy
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Math Tutoring

As you know, students are expected to show mastery of each math concept. We have been working hard to go back and improve on any skills that were not mastered initially. I’m asking for help in practicing these math standards at home.

I will be inviting students for small group math tutoring at noon on either Wednesday or Thursday.  This way they can choose to miss PE or recess depending on their preference. We will go over a concept and practice it together. Then, I will send home a practice worksheet for them to complete with a parent or older sibling.  When the worksheet is returned, I will give them one more practice sheet and additional help, if needed, before having them retake the assessment. When I’ve met with students for tutoring, I will send an email letting you know to watch for the worksheet to come home.

I hope this helps our students move more quickly toward math mastery. Thank you in advance for your support!
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Mother and Son Dance

Dance Poster
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