Christmas Party Permission

On Friday, December 14, our class will have a few Christmas activities that require parent permission. Please click on the link below and answer the following questions so your child may participate.  Thank you and happy holidays!

Christmas Party Permission Form

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Global Literacy Week

What is our Global Community?

Each year in the Q1 library, we like to encourage students to share
their family’s heritage during our Global Literacy week. In year’s
past we’ve done a Diversity Quilt, which showed family traditions
& flags representing the family’s origins. We’ve also done a
“Peace” wall to show the different languages in which our diverse
population of students would say the word Peace. This year I
would like to display on a map where our students come from.
Show them a visual of our “Global Community” here at Quest. By
doing this we would like to know what State or Country your
student was born, or if your student would prefer, where their
family originates from. We will then put their name on a “sticky”
arrow & place them on the map. I think this will be a fun way to
show how diverse our student population is here in West haven,

For responding, your students name will also be entered into a
drawing to win a small prize here in the library. There will be one
winner per class.

It really is fun to see where we all originate from & have the
students start thinking a little more Globally. Also possibly finding
a kinship with students from the same areas of the world. 

Thank you for participating!
Mrs. Anderson
Q1 Librarian

Google Form
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Quest Wellness Policy

If this is your first year at Quest, please review our wellness policy regarding food in the classroom. As Halloween is approaching, parents often ask if their children can bring candy to share for their classroom Halloween party. According to our wellness policy, students are not allowed to bring treats to share. Information regarding Halloween party treats will be given to parents one week prior to the party. All parents are required to give permission for their students to consume treats during these activities.

Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. 

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I am looking for volunteers to read with our students each week.  There will be a training on November 1 at 12:30  for those that are willing to learn the HELPS program. This is an excellent program that will increase growth at all reading levels. Please let me know if you’re interested in volunteering, what day/days of the week and times you are available to come, and if you can make it to the training. Thanks! 

Volunteer Form
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Our class has earned a short read-a-thon for their excellent behavior and participation in class. This will be tomorrow afternoon. (Thursday, October 25) They may bring a small pillow or blanket as well as a book to read. Whatever they bring needs to fit easily in their backpacks. Because of our school wellness policy, no treats will be allowed.
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Parent Teacher Conference

It’s that time of year already! Please click on the following link to sign up for a time for you and your student to meet with me. Thanks so much!
Sign Up Here

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Field Trip Pictures!

Click the link below to see pictures of our fun adventure.

This is the Place 2018
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Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

This gallery contains 24 photos.

We were lucky to have the Aquarium come and present a lesson on the water cycle and also bring some creatures that can be found in Utah habitats. Here are some pictures of your kiddos during the presentation.

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First Field Trip!

Our field trip to This is the Place Heritage Park will be next week on Thursday, September 27.  We are asking for a $5 donation to help cover the cost of the trip.  We will be able to take three chaperones from our class and the cost is $3. Chaperones will be chosen randomly from those that indicate on the Google Form.  Please fill out the permission slip for your child here.  Permission for This is the Place Park
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Week of Sept. 10

Monday: All cookie dough and jerky orders due!


Wednesday: STEM 9:30-10:30

Thursday: Library 1:30-2:00

Friday: Short Day (Dismiss at 1:30)

If you haven’t done so, please sign the E-Signature Form located under the Parent Info tab on the Blog.  This lets me know you’ve reviewed the Disclosure Statement and whether I have permission to post your student’s pictures.

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