Valentine’s Day Permission

This Valentine’s Day, our class will be participating in a STEM challenge.  We are building catapults and launching Conversation Hearts at a target.  We are also going to decorate and eat sugar cookies.  I will need permission for your student to participate in both activities.  

We will also be making Valentine boxes in class.  You may send Valentines with your student to pass out to our class on February 14.  If you choose to send Valentine’s, please have your child sign his/her name, but do not address them to individual students.  We have 23 students.  Thanks so much!

Permission Form

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4th Grade Presidents Project

     During the month of February, fourth grade students will be learning how to create an informative essay.  For this project students will be creating a five paragraph essay, Prezi presentation and a model of their selected president.  Students will be assigned one of our U.S. Presidents.  The project will be completed in class.  We are asking parents and students to help with the supplies needed for their model.  Each student will need 1-empty Pringles Chip can.  We are also asking for donations of fabric scraps, colored paper, and any crafting item the students could use to transform their can into their assigned president.  We are asking for all supplies to be brought to your student’s teacher no later than February 16th.  

The final prodect will be displayed on your teacher’s hallway bulletin board for anyone who would like to come see them.

Thank You for all of your help in making this project a success!

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Parent Teacher Conference/Homework

Parent teacher conferences will be held February 21 and 23 from 3:45 until 8:00 pm.  I have provided a sign up link below.  Any students that are not scheduled by February 10 will be assigned a time slot.  I look forward to meeting with you!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

Homework has changed school-wide and we are no longer assigning spelling sorts as homework.  We will continue to practice spelling and sorting in the classroom.  I will list the spelling words on the homework form if you’d like to review them at home with your student.
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Fieldtrip to the Utah Museum of Natural History

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our amazing parents and grandparents who came with us on our field trip.  I appreciate the time and sacrifice you made to accompany us.  We had a great time!


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Enjoy this slideshow of your cute kids at the Mountain Man Rendezvous!

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Field Trip

On Thursday, January 12th, the fourth grade will be taking busses down to the Natural History Museum of Utah at the U of U. Busses will leave promptly at 8:45 am and will be returning around 2:00 pm. We are asking for a $5 donation from each student to help cover the cost of this field trip.

Parent volunteers are welcome to attend. We do not have a limit on the number of parents who would like to come. We are requesting a $5 donation from any parents who are also able to attend the field trip.

For the field trip, each student and parent will need to provide their own sack lunch. They will also need to have a back pack or sack to carry their lunch in. 

Please fill out the form below letting me know your students participation in this field trip.

Permission Form
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This week…

Mountain Man Rendezvous

If you have not sent in your items for the rendezvous, please do so as soon as possible.  Most have already come in and they are so fun!  They look amazing! We will be setting up after lunch on Thursday, December 15 and then begin the sale at 1:30.  Parents may come and watch the transactions.  We ask that you not help your student with the selling process, but would love for you to help “buy” items.  


There will be no homework this week or over the Christmas break other than reading.  Please encourage your student to read as much as possible!  They may still record their reading minutes for library this week.  

Have a fabulous holiday break, and I will see your cute children on January 3rd!

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Mountain Man Rendezvous

Parents, please watch for this permission slip to come home with your child on Monday, November 14.  This is a fun activity that students have loved in the past.  It shouldn’t be a burden on your family and will be the only project we require to be done at home. : )

Rendezvous Letter

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Time slots for Parent Teacher Conferences are full.  Thanks so much for your support!
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Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held next Thursday, November 17 from 3:30-4:30.  Click on the link below if you’d like to sign up for a time to meet with me.  Thanks!

PTC Sign Up
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