HFW Week 12
I strongly encourage practicing 1-minute reading timings using the following link (use the Level 100 passages):
Select any Level 100 reading passage. Instruct your child to begin reading the passage as quickly as he/she is able. Allow your child one minute to read as much of the passage as possible. Subtract any words read incorrectly from the total number of words read during the one-minute timing. It is a good idea to chart your progress. Your child should be reading 69 words-per-minute by the end of this school year.
It is also helpful to ask comprehension questions after your child is done reading, such as “What is the main topic in the reading passage?” or “What are some things your learned from the reading?” It is also a great idea to ask your child to try to summarize the passage in chronological order.
This strategy will greatly help your child prepare for the DIBELS reading tests that will be coming up in January and April. Thank you, and happy reading!