Here are a few updates and reminders:
1- Valentine’s Party- Friday, February 13th 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Activities during school on February 13th will involve sugary foods, such as eating candy and the decorating of sugar cookies. We are also planning to watch some short (rated G) Valentine’s Day video clips. Please indicate below your permission for your child to participate in these activities. We are also asking that parents please donate $3 to the office to help with the cost of cookies, games, and art supplies.
Valentine’s Celebration coming this week! Friday, February, 13th 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Please e-sign the permission slip here:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M_FKaExM-Ev0oIfYyoURHD4WjUBdFSYBt51o70kv1xY/viewform?usp=send_form
or print and return the paper copy as soon as possible by clicking the below link:
Valentine Party Permission Slip
We can always use volunteers as well. Our party is Friday from 1:30-3pm. We are also asking that all students please donate $3 to the office to help with the cost of sugar cookies and sugar-cookie-decorating materials, art/craft supplies, and game supplies.
2- TUESDAY: Library day–please send your student’s books with them each week. There are a few students who will be placed on month long no check out hold if their books are not returned.
Spelling and Sort test
Homework due
4- Opera Music CD’s will be going home next week with your students! Please have the students listen often. I will also be posting the sheet music for the opera as well.