From the first day of school: To the last week of school:

First off, let me begin by saying it has been an absolutely wonderful school year! Your students have melted my heart and I truly love and care for each one. Each student is amazing and I have been so very blessed to have been chosen as their teacher! I will miss their smiles, hugs, letters, pictures, and personalities!
I wish the best for each of them. Thank you for supporting your students and myself during this school year. I hope that I have made a lasting impression on them and have instilled in them a love of learning. I would be tickled pink if my cute students saw me out and about and ran to give me a hug or high five!
Have a wonderful summer! Don’t forget to read and keep up on all that you have learned, you are going to be tremendous, big 2nd graders! I am so proud of all that you have accomplished!