First Week of School & Updates

I sent home a picture day sheet home with your students yesterday.  Please make sure to calendar Monday August 24th for picture day. If you would like to buy pictures the money for pictures goes to the office. When your child brings it back I will send them there to pay for it.

Also just a reminder, our Field Trip coming up is on September 8th we are going to the Hogle Zoo. We are asking for a donation of $3.00 per child to pay for the buses to get there. If you would like to come and have little ones that are coming along with you, you will need to pay for their entrance fee. Volunteers are still needed and welcome! 
1st day of school
It has been my absolute pleasure this week to be able to get to know these adorable kiddo’s!  I adore each of them and am so excited to get to know them even better!  Thank you parents, for sharing your amazing kids with me!  
Best Team of Teachers
I am absolutely blessed to work with these amazing and wonderful ladies!  First grade has the best teachers ever!!! 
1st grade teachers IMG_1855

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