August 24-28: No Homework
August 31-September 4: Reading Log only (20 minutes reading per day)
September 7-11: Math Homework & High Frequency words (spelling) begins (Reading Log continues)
September 14-18: Sort work homework begins (Reading Log, Math & High Frequency words continue)
The blue homework folder has a page about the daily sort work, more information will come. This does not begin until September 14. Also, in the blue homework folder is the list of high frequency words. Week 1 will be practiced and tested September 7-11. Students need to be able to read and spell these words.

For those students bringing home lunch; Please spend some time this weekend helping your student practice independent lunch preparation. For example:
How to open containers and packages (i.e. opening pudding cups, putting straws in juice boxes, etc.)
How to properly and safely use a microwave (i.e. paper towel under food, how long to cook it, how to remove the hot food, what NOT to put in a microwave, etc.)
What to keep and what to throw away (i.e. keep tupperware, please throw away opened juice box even if not finished, etc.)
How to properly and safely use a microwave (i.e. paper towel under food, how long to cook it, how to remove the hot food, what NOT to put in a microwave, etc.)
What to keep and what to throw away (i.e. keep tupperware, please throw away opened juice box even if not finished, etc.)