Weekly Information

WE have been practicing school and classroom procedures and expectations. WE are getting better and faster (most of the time), which is very important. Following our school and classroom rules and procedures keeps your student safe,  happy, and our classroom running smoothly.  Please talk with your student about what our school and classroom rules are. Ask how they are doing in the process of being respectful to self, others and the school?  Are they listening to the teacher when it is learning time? Are they walking quietly down the hall keeping their eyes forward and  hands to themselves? Can they tell you what the correct behaviors in the lunchroom and bathroom are? We will continue working on all these throughout the year, because practice makes perfect.  

cartoon_animals_05Yay!!! I can’t wait see what fun adventures we will have while visiting Hogle Zoo on our field trip. Save the date…Tuesday September 8th. Buses will be pulling out promptly at 8:45! THANKS SO MUCH, I had 10 parent volunteers.  If you want to bring siblings plan on driving your own car. The donation fee  for each student is $3-payable to the office.  JUST IN CASE…Please be prepared to pay for yourself and any extra children you bring. Please bring a disposable sack lunch with your student’s name on it. Chaperones, please bring a backpack or bag to put your student group’s lunches in.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! To all of our volunteer chaperone’s for our field trip.  Below is a list of what groups you are in charge of.  I will pass out a copy for each parent chaperone the morning of the field trip.  

Nelson’s Group List:  Nelson-Zoo-Group-2015

If you haven’t filled out the Zoo Field trip permission form, please do so electronically here: 
Zoo Field Trip:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tHUCY4tTiqLOhvaKQURWkykvTAcNNEKaGyuqDqmiWdk/viewform

http://qacblogs.org/ronda.hills/files/2015/08/computer-clipart.jpgWe will be working on the “How To’s” of computer use and programs this coming week. I know your student will be so excited to share what he/she will be learning/doing. PLEASE explain to your students the extreme importance of computer care, not picking at the keys, holding the computer with both hands, not coloring or poking the computer.  If your child damages their computer during their time with it, you will be responsible for the repair and they may no longer have the opportunity to use them. If your student has not brought in their over the ear headphones- they will need to have them no later than Tuesday as our STEM Lab and Laptop use begins in the classroom. 

Also, my blog will be my MAIN SOURCE of communication, so please make sure that you have subscribed to the blog and check it often.  I have several documents ready for your review and signature if not done so already.  

1- Class Disclosure: 

2-  Subscribe to my blog, to complete the process you must click on a link that will be sent to your email:


3-  Volunteer Sign Up:  30 volunteer hours can seem overwhelming, but it will be super simple signing up for things using this link: 

Parking Lot HOV Volunteer once a week from 2:55 – 3:25 pm. Sign up by clicking on the date that works best for you below: 

4-  Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up’s:

5- Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information 

Class Activation Code: N8TKQ
Book orders for October are due September 28th.

Dear Parents,
Sometimes the right book is all it takes to nurture a child’s love of reading. That’s why I’m pleased that our class will be participating in Scholastic Book Clubs this school year. The Book Club flyers I’ll be sending home each month are full of just-right, affordable books and Storia™ eBooks for every age and reading level. You can return give online ordering a try. It saves time and offers more book choices. When you place your order online, you’ll help earn FREE Books for our class. We cannot accept cash or check

Ordering online is fast and easy:
• REGISTER at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs
• ENTER the Class Activation Code: N8TKQ
• CHOOSE from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
• SUBMIT the order to your child’s teacher
• EARN FREE Books for you and the classroom, too!

Happy reading!
Mrs. Nelson

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