
water bottle
Hot Weather + Recess = Thirsty First Graders!  🙂

Please send your child with a water bottle EACH DAY to keep in their cubbies (preferably one that doesn’t spill easily).   One drinking fountain with an entire class of students takes a lot of time and we want to make sure they are getting enough water. 


HeadphonesWe will begin using computers next week.  If your child has not brought headphones to school yet we encourage you to send them as soon as possible. We use our headphones EVERY SINGLE DAY, often all at the same time, and we do not allow students to borrow other students’ headphones because of liability in case they are broken, etc.  

Zoo Field Trip will be September 6th from 9:00am-1:00pm in order for your child to participate they must have permission from the yearly permission slip below. I am missing a few students permission from parents. I will send emails out of who is missing theirs. 

Please sign the yearly permission slip CLICK HERE This gives your child permission to participate in all the activities and learning experiences this year. I also can’t stress enough the importance of paying the office the donations for the field trip and parties. We rely on these donations in order for those activities to take place. It is $15 for the year for our field trips and $12 for our class parties. That amount will take care of ALL the activities for the year. 

Return blue homework folders daily.  This is an opportunity for your student to practice being responsible.  

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