1- Follow the library rules (be respectful, follow directions, use a library voice, etc.)
2- Return library books (no outstanding books)
3- Select a book during the allotted time
Remember to record your weekly reading minutes for the Library Reading Challenge: Library Reading Minutes Log

Click on the picture to find a fun surprise!
Wednesday—Wacky Wednesday
Wear wacky hair to school.
Thursday— Green Eggs and Ham
Wear green to school. (Wear green shirt, pants, socks or accessories to school. If you do not wear green please wear your uniform. All clothing must still meet dress code standards.)
Friday— If I Ran the Zoo
Be Wild. Wear animal themed prints, face paint, or headbands. You may also bring a dollar to dress down (money will go to our fundraiser for Mrs. Ingersoll’s twins) All clothing must still meet dress code standards.
Stop by the Library to guess how many fish are in the dish and tell us your favorite Dr. Seuss book too!