Please be sure that your child packs a cold lunch from home (there will be no microwaves at the museum) in a disposable bag labeled with your child’s name. There will be NO SCHOOL LUNCH available!
Please be sure that your child wears a WHITE uniform shirt (and uniform bottoms) on the field trip and comfortable walking shoes. Part of the field trip will be outdoors. The weather forecast calls for a high of 62 degrees and partly cloudy weather, so please dress appropriately. You may wish to wear sunscreen.
Parent Chaperones, please sign in and get your volunteer sticker and come to our room by 8:45 at the latest. Please also, bring a backpack to carry your groups lunches in it. We have at least one chaperone for every group, but are more than happy to come if you would like to also help chaperone. If this is the case, please join your child’s group as a co-chaperone. Chaperone Parents also please verify we have the correct phone# for you listed on the group sheet below. Below see your chaperone assignment and child’s group: