PRINT THIS Homework Tracker
1- Math Homework:
- Worksheets: Please look in your child’s green folder on Tuesday for worksheets with concepts that have been taught in class. The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math. Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week). If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so!
Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers.
Math Fluency Timings: Click on the link to see where your child is at on math timings.Then print the page of timing they are working on. Addition and Subtraction Fluency Timings. Print the page they are working on and put it in a sheet protector in your child’s green folder. Time them for 1 minute and 15 seconds twice. Have them use an expo to write their answers that way you can reuse sheets.
- HARDER TIMINGS: I wasn’t loving what I had started so I am changing things again. If your child has passed off all the other timings here are some new timings I made. They should not have to regroup and should be able to either count on or know it by heart. Print off Harder Math Timings 10-20. Here is the tracker to know where your child is at Timings 10-20. Time them still for 1 minute 15 seconds. Please let me know if you need help with anything.
We are working on the -sh, -th, -ng word families this week. We continue focusing on characters (who), setting (where), and events (what) when retelling their stories, as well as sequencing with first, next, then, and finally. Syllables and verbs with -ing words is a focus this week.
1- Daily Reading Fluency
Please complete both the timed daily reading assignments listed below.
A Reading for All Learners (Baggy Book) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least two-three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. These are meant to be easier than your students level to work on their sight word and fluency.
2- Reading 20 minutes per day. Track your daily reading minutes on the homework tracker sheet. Make reading every single day a priority. Ask your students questions using the retell rope visual below. It’s also a good idea to time your child every single day for one minute on the same story every week in preparation for the benchmark Dibels testings throughout the year.
3-Timed Reading Activity. It is so very important to practice timed readings with our students. We have added this additional component to the reading homework.
This activity should be completed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. These extra phonics fluency stories are for extra practice. Please record the words per minute from the timings off of your students reading homework story sent home in their green homework folders.
Monday & Tuesday Story:
A Big, White Hen
Wednesday & Thursday Story:
Little By Little
- Please record the fluency time of words per minute on the homework tracker from these stories links above.
- Complete a one-minute timed reading and record your score on the Homework Form. Feel free to use this online timer: . Find your score by subtracting the number of incorrect words read from the total number of words read in one minute (for instance, if you read 98 words, but read 5 of the words incorrectly, your score would be 93).
- Re-tell the story with as much detail as possible, and in your own words, to a parent, using the guidelines described below:
3- Phonics and High Frequency Words Homework. Practice using any method of your choice to prepare for the weekly spelling test. Click here for some practice ideas: Spelling Study Activities.
Phonics Spelling List:
**If your child is absent please have them complete a Waterford session and do a few activities on Wonders. The activities on Wonders are connected to our daily lessons. Thank you.
Click here to access Waterford: Waterford
Click here to access Wonders: Wonders