Due to the extensive high cost of the bus transportation for our field trip on Friday, we are asking for a head count of who will be taking their child with them after the field trip from the museum. We found that in previous years most parents have chosen to take their child from the museum, leaving us with an empty bus going home that we are still having to pay for. Can you please let us know as soon as possible if you will be checking out your child at the museum and taking them with you instead of riding the bus back to the school? Please note that upon arrival at the school, we will be arriving shortly before school is dismissed.
**Chaperones: Please bring a backpack to carry your groups lunches in. You are able to eat lunch with your group when the children want to. There are picnic tables out front. We will have the students hold onto their lunches during the assembly and meet at the front picnic table area under the big bomber for a group photo and to gather your students lunches.
Thank you so very much for being willing to chaperone a group of students! We appreciate you!
Click the following link for Field Trip Groups Final