Teacher Ease and Final Week Schedule

2018-2019 Report cards are completed and available on TeacherEase.

As a reminder, we use the following Mastery Grading criteria determined by student performance on various assessments.  When students demonstrate their proficiency on a standard, they are given a “3″ and this is considered a good grade.
Blue Beige Illustration Art Gallery Raffle Flyer

 Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL
TUESDAY, MAY 28 – Early Out 1:30pm
   Ogden Nature Center visits 1st Grade: Volunteer Sign up
   LAST day to bring your backpack

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29- Early Out 1:30pm
   Indoor FIELD DAY 
   NO backpacks
THURSDAY, MAY 30– Early Out 1:30pm
   Yearbook Signing   
   NO backpacks

2 thoughts on “Teacher Ease and Final Week Schedule

  1. How do we access Teacher Ease? I tried and it said the teacher needed to send me information on how to access my students account. . . Do you know how we access the grades for our students? Thanks!

    • There was an email sent back in October I believe that had a link and instructions. Do a search in your email under “Teacher Ease” and see if it pulls up and you can access it. If not, let me know and I’ll ask admin to resend you the email.

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