Good morning and welcome back! I hope you had a great Spring Break!
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites)
We will be listing our meeting code and information within Google Classroom going forward for security reasons. You will be able to also find each days tasks and their corresponding videos in a daily task list. Library time every Monday at 8:30am and Coding Lab every Wednesday at noon will also be held via Google Classroom. We will also be changing our
If you need help getting into Google Classroom click the link below:
Google Classroom How To Video
** 8:30am: Library with Mrs. Anderson through Google Classroom
At 9:00 am: Live Meeting Check in and Attendance Taken
Click here for a fun read aloud with Ms. Smith
2. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
- Complete Your Turn pages from the Wonders Lesson Video
- Writing Journal Sort Video
- Short Book- Cover and Word Search Page
**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders site as well. Just have your student login from the Quest- Student Links page to their Wonders.
3. I-Ready Reading: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code found on your packet. Complete at least 15 minutes or more. (Parents, please do not give answers.)
**Students need to have 60 minutes in both iReady Reading and iReady Math this week**
4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
Link to Sandbox Toys
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2
5. Lunch Break
6. Math Lesson Video
- Complete Ready Math Review Pages
- Practice your “doubles” and “Make a ten” fluency pages found in your page. (Goal: complete in 1 minute or less) Instead of writing on it, slip it into a page protector so you can practice over and over again. How fast can you get?
7. I-Ready Math: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code. Complete 15 minutes or more.
Please have your child complete the “CHECK” Lesson in blue on I-Ready Math. Please DO NOT help your child with this assignment. I want to know what they know and how well they are understanding what they are learning in math. You are welcome to help them navigate through the 5 questions, but please allow them to do their own work. They are welcome to use a piece of paper, manipulatives, or whatever they need to complete the “Check.” This needs to be completed by Wednesday.
8. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson
9. 12:45pm Final Live Meeting check-in
10. Additional Learning Ideas:
- Reading Homework: The Science of Bread
- Math Homework: Dear Family Letter Lesson 28
- Read 20 minutes or more
- Raz-Kids Click on “Kids Login”. Teachers Username: nelson1st
- Wonders Online Activities
- Go Noodle Brain Breaks at Home
Feel free to work on the bonus worksheet pages found in your packet. (the packet with the caterpillar on the front), but please don’t go ahead on the science, your turn packet, or ready math worksheets.
Marvelous Monday Optional STEM Challenge:
Click here for a fun STEM CHALLENGE