Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites)
*Note: If you get your weekly work completed and all your weekly iReady minutes, you will be invited to a show-and-tell with Mrs. Nelson this Friday.9:00 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting. (Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link.) Daily attendance will be taken during this meeting.
1. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
- Complete your Wonders “Your Turn” pages 279 and 280
- Anthology Close Reading Companion pages 169, 170
- Writing Journal Video
****Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book).
These can be worked on throughout the week but for sure on Thursday and Friday since you should be done with your i-Ready Reading mastery practice.
3. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2
ECRI Phonics Part 3
Story Part 2: “Choose a Room”
Story Part 3: “Group Rules”
Need a break between readings? Dance and sing along with this GoNoodle
Or you can do this Scavenger Hunt: Indoor Scavenger Hunt
4. Math Lesson Video :
We are working on Lesson 29 this week: Adding Two-Digit Numbers
Complete Ready Math pages 679-682
5. I-Ready Math: Go to and log in with your QR code. Complete your Math Quiz B (Blue Box) if you haven’t done it yet.Please have your child complete the teacher assigned MASTERY “CHECK” Lesson in blue on I-Ready Math. Please DO NOT help your child answer any questions with this assignment. Feel free to help them with any technical issues. They are welcome to use a piece of paper, manipulatives, or whatever they need to complete the “Check.”
6. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson
Click here to hear Mrs. Teichert reading “Fancy Nancy and the Late, Late, LATE Night”
PE with Lauren: Hokey Pokey
PE with Ryker: Baskeball Challenge
Comment your guesses below. I will have a prize for whoever guesses it first!
xander guesses butternut squash (34 weeks)
Logan says “an orange”
Dede thinks the baby is the size of a medium watermelon.
I change my mind, I think it is a watermelon.
Eliza says a cantaloupe
Wyatt guesses a pumpkin.