Tuesday, April 28th Course Work

Pin by melissa schepartz on Snoopy (2) | Good morning snoopy ...Small Group meetings today:
10am:             RED Group: (Lexi, Sawyer, Amani)
use the Zoom link  & log in

10:20am         BLUE Group: (Dede, Danica, Jacelynn, Bronx, Eliza) 
use the Zoom link and log in 

10:40am         YELLOW Group: (Dylan, Brooklyn, Ava, Bianca)
use the Zoom link and log in 

****9:00 am: Live Meeting Check in and Attendance Taken 

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**Remember you can always find the books we are reading and other assignments  

2. I-Ready Reading: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code. Complete  15 minutes M-W totaling 45 minutes for the week.  Parents, please do not give your student the answers, rather let them learn from their mistakes and grow in confidence.

3. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
Decodable Story Part 2: “Miss Wright’s Job”

4.  Math Lesson Video
We are working on Lesson 32 Session 3 : Understanding Length Measurement
Complete Ready Math pages 751-754

5. I-Ready Math: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code. Complete 15 minutes Monday-Wednesday. 
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Please have your child complete the teacher assigned MASTERY “CHECK” Lesson in blue on I-Ready Math. Please DO NOT help your child answer any questions with this assignment. Feel free to help them with any technical issues. They are welcome to use a piece of paper, manipulatives, or whatever they need to complete the “Check.” This needs to be completed by Wednesday, April 29th. 

6. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

7. Mrs. Nelson reading:  What if I had T Rex teeth and other dinosaur parts”

82News Science School with meteorologist Lindsey and Water Cycle:

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