- This Week’s Happenings:
- . Monday – Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kickoff
- Friday – Reading Test (Identify the Main idea & Key Details)
- Sept. 26 – Uniform Picture Day
- Oct. 11-13 : Fall Break – No School
Reading in Class: What happens when families work together?
STRATEGY: We will be asking and answering questions as we read, so we can identify the main idea and key details of a text.
PHONICS: short i and long i (i_e)

Math in Class: We tested on graphs this past Friday (look for tests to come home this week). This week we will be learning different strategies to add 2-digit numbers. We will most likely test on this standard on Friday, 09/22.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :
**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade. I have sent 2 weekly passages home this week with your students with the weekly dates on top as I will be out of the country until October 5th.