WOW!!! It’s hard to think about this year being over in just a few short weeks. It seems like we were just getting started and now it’s almost the end of the year. Your students will be taking their reading end of level state testing assessment tomorrow morning! Have a little pep talk with them. We have been working really hard on their comprehension retell as it is so heavily weighted that they can restate what they read in the story in their own words.
Next week your student(s) will begin taking their End of Year (EOY) i-Ready computer diagnostic assessments for Language Arts and Math. Your students will also be assessed on their state required Math assessment Thursday afternoon.
Please help your student(s) come to school prepared and ready to go by, getting a good night sleep and, eating a good breakfast. Having your student(s) to school on time will also help. It gives students a chance to play and “Chill Out” with friends before taking their tests. We will be giving the kids a snack to help them gear up for testing success! Please remind your student to take their time and to just do their very best.