Weekly Reminders

  Check your child’s green homework folder nightly.

– FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm 
   Homework due
 *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

 Cookie Dough fundraiser orders DUE Monday, September 10.


4- Scholastic Book Order.  August Book order extended to Friday, September 7th. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N8TKQScholastic Book Club

 Hogle Zoo field trip has been confirmed with the Zoo for Tuesday, September 18th.  I have a list of those of you who volunteered to chaperone (THANK YOU!).  The Zoo will only allow 5 chaperones in for free with each class.  We will take the first 5 chaperones to fill these spots.
 I already have the list of parent volunteers and will take the first 5 that submitted they would chaperone- I will notify you by email.   However, every parent volunteer is welcome as well as other children- you will just need to pay for your admissions.  If any of you have Zoo passes please let me know as well by emailing me at anelson@questac.org.  Students will need a fully disposable sack lunch and volunteers will provide a bag/backpack to carry the student lunches in their group.  School sack lunches are available and must be ordered by Tuesday, September 11th at 3pm. 

Please fill out the form below, even if you signed the yearly permission slip form: 
Hogle Zoo Field Trip Form 

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