Parent Teachers Conferences

Tuesday is the first night of Parent Teacher Conferences.  If you haven’t signed-up for a time by now, I will sign you up tonight.

Homework this week is back to normal. Check the Homework tab if you have forgotten what to do. They have three FrontRowEd assignments. One is a Multiplication/Divide practice. The other two are worksheet type. They have two ReadWorks and they need to practice their vocabulary on Quizlet.

We have been working on Long-division. There are a handful of kids that are really struggling with this. Please work with them on this. It takes practice to get really good at it. It is painful to watch some of them taking more then an hour to do ten problems for their weekly assessment. It shouldn’t be taking this long.  It is a new concept and is taking some a bit longer then others to “get it.”

Additionally, PLEASE practice their multiplications facts. It is key to helping everything in 4th grade math go well. Then, READ READ READ, and ask them to tell you back what the main idea was, and what supporting details it contains. They should be reading their next book for their book report by now.

Here is sample of what we are working on.  If you have time, have them complete this worksheet with you.  Print it out or have them write it onto another piece of paper.  Watch them work on it.  If it seems hard, spend some time with them.  If they blaze through it, your kiddo is doing well and working on long division isn’t necessary.  This week we are starting new math, and I feel bad adding more to their workload without having had some of them Master this.  Please take a minute and see if your child needs a little more practice.  Thanks.

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