WE are getting excited to start our end of year testing! It is fun to show off what we know! Make sure you are eating a good breakfast and getting enough sleep. We have four tests this week, today, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. ALSO, our field trip is Wednesday!!!
Field trip info: May 2nd
- Meet at the Roy Frontrunner station on 4000 South: 8:15-8:25
- Bring a small water bottle, sack lunch (none refrigerated) that can be thrown away afterwards. Include a napkin and plastic fork if needed. If you ordered a lunch from the school, I will bring it to the train and give it to them to put into their packs.
- Chaperones remember to bring your own lunch.
- Light jacket and a small backpack to hold your things (no electronics but playing card are great)
- Pick kiddos up at the Roy Frontrunner station at: 3:10
- *There will NOT be any rides from the school to the station or back*
- Chaperones will get their group assignments at the station. Please don’t take the kids into the gift shop at the museum to purchase souvenirs.
- Uniforms are required for field trips. Our class will be wearing RED shirts and TAN pants/shorts/skirts. If you don’t have a red shirt, wear white or blue.
- We will arrive at Thanksgiving Point at about 10:15, leaving the museum at 1:15 to make the 1:45 train.
- AGAIN No Electronics, only playing cards/small book. They may bring a camera but not a phone with a camera.
Read for 20 minutes. *Keep working on your book reports.
IXL Mastery cards 10 minutes