We have several talent shows notifications going around-emails, one on our marquee etc. Here is the 411 on that: Q1 will be holding a talent show tomorrow morning. To participate in this talent show, you had to apply and receive an email back from the school. Our grade will be attending from 9:45-10:30. Very few Forth graders will participate. If you didn’t receive an email, you didn’t make the cut. There aren’t very many spots open for this show. Tuesday, Q2 is holding a talent show for the Jr. High kids. If you have a kiddo over there, you have been receiving those email too.
The Fourth Grade team will be having our very own talent show. We are holding it for an hour over two days. Wednesday and Thursday from 9-10. Our talent show is very informal. The audience will only be Fourth Graders and their parents/guardians. This is an opportunity for “ALL” (who want to) of the kids to participate. They can even show some art! Their performance will be limited to 2 minutes each. We have an electric piano to use for our pianists. I will help them project their art onto the screen that day. All other props they need for their performance, will need to be brought from home. I can get their music for them too. Music MUST be clean, child age appropriate music. If your child would like to participate, have them tell me. AGAIN, this is very informal but it would be fun to see them in a costume, dance uniform, etc. They will need to change into approved dress down clothes afterwards.
ALL of our testing is done and their grades are in the system! Report Cards are available on-line. The school will be sending an email out explaining how to access these. I make mistakes, let me know if you see one 😉
This is a fun summer activity, my daughter participated in it last year.
Lastly, tomorrow is a $1 DRESS DOWN DAY. Last one on the year! Next week, is FREE DRESS DOWN ALL WEEK. IT IS SHORT DAY ALL WEEK TOO!
This is one of my FAVORITE quotes.
I know that what we learn becomes a part of who we are...I am excited to be part of your learning and success!Bookmarks