Technology DAY!!! $$$DDD

Friday is DDD and short day!!! Additionally, it is the first day of SPING BREAK!!!

See you back on April 5th

Our class has been working SUPER DUPER hard this quarter! We have SMASH several tests and mastered many MATH STANDARDS ! We are going to celebrate with “technology day.” Friday, March 26th, student may bring any technology they would like or they will be able to use our classroom iPads/Macs.

Here are the rules: 
ANYTHING they bring, could get broken. If it gets broken, our school will not pay to have it replaced. UNDER any circumstances -we are not liable for a broken or stolen device. ALL devices will be brought to my classroom in the morning and dropped off. Nothing is allowed outside during recess. The kids will play with them from 11:00-11:40, and for a few minutes after lunch. Given that they will play with them for about an hour, please don’t bring something that takes several minutes to set-up. Our school’s technology rules apply this day. All games must be rate “E” for everyone. There will not be wi-fi available or use of the classroom TV/Monitor. The easiest technology is our classroom technology. Again, I will still have their Chromes computers available and ipads. They will be able to use student links, Bloxels, additional apps already loaded onto the school devices.

Thanks for letting me spend the day teaching your kiddos.

We are still in need of any tweezers for science. See the previous post for the details regarding this. THANK YOU-THANK YOU!

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