Quest families,

Volunteers needed: For our Uniform Giveaway on May 22nd and 23rd from 8:00am-4:00pm in the Q1 Gym. Anyone needing gently used uniform clothing for the upcoming school year is welcome to come and choose items from our giveaway. We will also be accepting donations of clean, gently used uniform clothing to add to our giveaway items. Donations will be accepted May 18th through 22nd in the Q1 office. We are also still in need of a number of volunteers to help organize the clothing and monitor the tables throughout the giveaway. If you are able to help, please sign up HERE for as many spots as you like. 

Yearbooks: Yearbook signing day will be Thursday, May 25th for Junior High students, and Friday, May 26th for elementary students.  

**Lunch Accounts**: We have many lunch accounts that are critically negative. Please respond to the many reminders sent by our dedicated kitchen manager by keeping your student’s lunch account current. You may pay by cash or check in the office, or online HERE with card or eCheck. We are also happy to help you with a payment over the phone if you call 801-731-9859. We ask that all lunch accounts are brought current by Monday, May 22.
**2023-24 Enrollment**: If you are not planning to have your student return to Quest in the fall, PLEASE contact us as soon as possible so we may offer those positions to one of the many waiting. We are currently enrolling for the fall and it is critical that we fill all positions as soon as possible. You may email Stephanie at, call the school at 801-731-9859, or text 801-391-4878. 

Quest Under the Stars: Destination MARS: 

Friday, May 19th


In the Q2 Gym

Your students and their families will have a chance to talk to an astronaut one-on-one, ask questions, and get a picture taken with him. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many of your students.

  • Ask questions of a real astronaut
  • Get a picture taken
  • Learn about his mission to repair the hubble space telescope

Play Your Way to Mars

There will also be lots of fun games to play as you pretend to journey to Mars.

  • Astronaut training challenges.
  • Feel how much you would weigh on Mars.
  • Build a Mars habitat.
  • Go on a space walk in a spacesuit and use radios to communicate with mission control.
  • Find signs of life on Mars.
  • Eat some astronaut food and put together an astronaut menu.
  • Even test your luck surviving an asteroid impact.

Beat the astronaut!

The astronaut will be playing all these games too, so this is your chance to see how well you can score against a real astronaut. Can you beat him? Could you be the next astronaut to go to space?

This is a COMMUNITY EVENT so feel free to invite your friends and neighbors. 

Thank you for all your support and help in making Quest the BEST!

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